Barbara Hijek

Barbara Hijek

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An important lesson is to keep in mind your propsective audience when composing case notes, job descriptions to employer for both verification and to properly determine if student has been "placed."
Your audience may be legal professionals, regulatory agencies, or even the student.
Use a model to ensure uniformity, accuracy and legibility.

Communication is key to elicit buy-in and collaboration from these stakeholders (students, graduates, employers and institution) which is necessary for successful data collection.
Clean, comprehensive data is critical.
Implement workflows and processes to ensure the integrity, maintenance, retrieval and auditing of all collectible data.

Strive to go beyond federal, state, and accreditor rules and regulations.
Clear definitions that go beyond minimum requirements can be a legal lifesaver, if done correctly.
An option would be to seek outside help to strenghten this process.

Biggest takeaway:

Collecting employment date is critical to add texture to just stark statistics.
Good data sets help determine factors such as the quality of an institution, academic
standards, better define effectivness of an HEI.
Such information can even be useful to attract students, who want a return on thier investment (student debt
v "gainful" employment.

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