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Interviewing 101 | Origin: CS120

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Interviewing 101

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Interviewing 101 - Module 1

The information in this module is wonderful and lesson plans could very easily be adapted to use this informaiton.  There is plenty of opportunity for students to learn, engage, ask, and develop plans.  

I like all the advice for following through on the interview - many students do not have questions - but I love the question "What's our next step?" question... This is what I am going to share!!


This is a great lesson plan for teachers to implement mock interviews with their CTE students.  I have assisted with many and it has proven very helpful for the students.


This module is missing the "typical practice interview" questions with potential positive responses for students.


Best practice after an interview is to encourage students to reflect after their interview on new information or information that was significant in the interview so they are able to include this in their thank you letter.

This was a great lesson. I love the idea of developing a lesson plan, event, or activityto help students during an after the interviewing process. 

I especially liked  the questions: What is the career path for people who take this job?  I added that one to my list. I was feamiliar with most of the othre questions.

I like having the student reflect on paper right after the interview.  May add this as an assignment after our mock interviews.


Looking up the company is one of the most valuable things a person can do before an interview.

I learned how I would like to craft a presentation together for our students. I would like to be able to ask students questions afterwards about what they learned from this information and when I get an answer, I am going to reward that student with a quick remeinder card they can take on interviews with them. Ultimately I will give everyone in the class a card.

I learned good general questions to ask at the end of the interview. The only other thing I always tell students to do is when they get the job, immediately update your resume. I learned this from an old boss and it has never failed me. When you start a job, you know who interviewed you, what day you were hired, how much your start pay was and usually you get an immediate description of your job duties which you can list right away. Thank you Julie Warden. This was good. You're hired!


A lot of these things, I have been practicing. It usually results in both the employer and myself being a good match and I stay at the job longer. 


Great take aways! I like the idea of having the student reflect upon the interview afterwards as an activity. We do that now, however; I think it could be more of a learning activtiy vs a talking point and transition into feedback from myself. 

Doing the proper research on a company or interviewer will be helpful to connect and make a first impression during the interview. This will help the student's nerves by seeing the interviewer connect with them. 

Great advice! We teach a lot of these interviewing tactics to our students but I appreciated the additional personalized stories and recommendations. 


This was awesome. We implented mock interviews a while back and this will give us the ability to improve on that. 

This lesson definitely helped me gain a new perspective of what our students experience at the end of our programs. I feel like I have the tools to help students in the interview process from start to finish by providing them this knowledge and being able to support them to success.

Great lesson! Great teaching/Coaching tool! 

Enjoyed the lesson. Great tips that we can use to assist our students.

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