Alberto Vasquez

Alberto Vasquez

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Prepare to listen. Detach yourself from the problem so you can help the individual sort out the issues on their own. Offer guidance, not answers.

This confirms seomthing Daniel Pink said which is that people need Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose to be motivated. This section focused on the erosion of that purpose within the individual.

Be proactive with retention. Just like we maintain maintenance records on our equipment to ensure it is operating well and won't break down, we need to be just as aware of employee maintainence. 

It is important to have a genuine connection with the student. All this implies is that you as the coach are being honest, upfront, and sincere in your approach.

I am glad to see there is process for best practices. 

Make sure you post for the faculty you want and interview all those who qualify. 

Hiring people who all have a common virtue that suits the companys Institutional Culture. It can be be the backbone to the strength of the team. 

Advisory Boards should be allowed to run the advisory meetings themselves. This includes writing the agenda. AS the college representation, the faculty should be responsible in communicating the Advisory boards wishes through apropriate channels. 

I'll say this. If you find that all but one of your board members are agreeing on everything and the all gang up on the one that asks to reconsider some policies, the problem is with the recruiting of the board. You should look for more diversity of thougth in your board so you can have meaningful discussions.

Diveristy of Thought is the ONLY diversity you should be focused on in a board for an academic institution. 

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