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Document Retention - Academic

I'm wondering if most of the colleges are retaining the supporting documentation, such as academic assessment/tests, out-of-class work, professors' attendance sheets (i.e. roll books if attendance is taken manually and then entered into an application). I'll appreciate to received some feedback about the practices out there. Thanks.

Proof of ATB - New Regulation

What new procedures you have in place to manage the qualified ATB students population under the new regulation requirements? Are you allowing transfer-in from other schools? Are you accepting them? If the case, are you requiring detailed supporting documentation from the former student's institution? Or their transfer to other institutions is limited (i.e. would not comply with the new regulations)? Thanks for your feedback


Very important and useful knowledge to make sure we are representing college in a transparent and full disclosure way so student can make a solid decision



Test format

I learned a lot however, the question format was a little confusing.

Question wording

Some of the wording in the questions was misleading.  Over all the content of this course is essential to any college agent.


Access for all student is very important the students should be able to move around enter and exit at a steady pace. I once heard a student say "I chose this school because they can accommodate my size the other school had desk that where to small."


The classroom setting should always accommodation those that are in the classroom whether larger, small, special need or no special needs.

Equal Opportunity

Its a wonderful thing to see a student and student in a classroom all different with the desire to learn and accomplish a goal. It does not matter the race, handicap, gender or general backgrounds all we know as instructors is that the student desires to learn and to accomplish a goal.

Disability Hostage

When I taught high school I encountered many situations where a student with a disability would become offended and isolated whenever he/she felt they were being singled out. This is very tricky when it comes to students'being labeled as different or inferior to the so called "normal" students. Its a very tricky area.


we should give all students an oppertunity to sucseed, regardless of their challenges

learing disabilities

Sometimes, certian handicapped accesible people will need harware to interact with people, like a sif and puff device to allow wheelchair movement or mouse interaction

handicapped students

I think its important to be sensitive to students needs and attentive based on the situation

Access vs, success

This unit helped me understand the distinction between providing accommodations for access and providing accommodations for success. I posed a question in Forum 2 regarding a current student that has not been successful in passing exams. Nobody on campus is aware of any documented disabilities. So, based on my understanding now of the difference between accommodating for access vs. success, the other instructor that allowed this student to take an exam in a more private, quiet setting was accommodating for success. Is this correct?

Difficulty with exams

I currently have a student that is averaging a 45% - 50% on exams. In class, the individual seems to understand the material and participates in discussions. However, when it comes time for the exam there seems to be a mental block. I have spoken to this individual to ask if there was anything I could do to help and to find out what she thinks the problem might be. She made a comment that she often gets text anxiety. However, she has also already taken exams that thought she did really well, only to get another low grade. Another instructor allowed this student to take her exam in a more private location, thinking the stress of being in the class with others may be part of the issue. But test scores did not improve. Any suggestions?

State Documentation Release for Grads?

I hope that someone can help me. After reading this chapter, I couldnt help but think about graduates. If a school remains open for over 10-20 years and does not close, is there ever a time when older records, like transcripts, can be released to the state to hold? Would a graduate's permission be needed to do this?

Struggling with empathy

Sometimes it is difficult for me to not over accommadate students with disabilities. Logically, I realize that they are in college and desire to be treated as normal as possible. However, some disabilities are so obvious that it pulls on my empathy cord and makes it difficult not to reach out when not asked.

legal Obligation and Opportunity

Disabilities are the moments that we can shine as a faculty memeber and a team. I think ultimately the biggest issues lay within being able to recognize and accomendate these issues. Are you realizing that this opportunity?

Learning Disabilities

I found this section very interesting the differences between LD and ADHD. I never really realized the different symptoms and behavioral problems associated with the two. Very informative.


I thinks its great how this section explains the different accommodations, how they work and are used in different situations. I found the material very easy to understand and interesting.