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We are in the "Mental Health Business" as Models, Mentors and Monitors...Intelligent Hearts!!!

Mental health in itself is not a problem situation. It can come in many different forms. We as educators must be like a traffic cop. we must be able to direct them in the direction to get the help they need. This can be as simple as helping them lighten their schedule to obtaining counciling from a professional. We deal with mental health every day in a classroom, some situations are just more complex than others.

We must be Models, Mentors and Monitors with "Intelligent Hearts" everyday!!!

Mental Health, I don't think so, are students are searching for answers, they trust us with their future and in return we need to make sure we give them the best education we can.

I believe that the business we are in is to educate, model, mentor and nurture our students. In some cases of course we need to attempt to find out why our students are not proceeding as they should. In some cases we need to look at ourselves and find out if we are the reason the student is not making the progress they should. In any case the focus should be the student and if they are or not making progress?

By Mental Health we mean that many students need to learn "Life Skills" that should be Modeled, Mentored and Monitored by all employees.

I agree strongly. We are there as a support system for our students not only in their course work but in helping when possible with thier mental health issues. The things that often times get in the way of their learning.

I agree completely. When you work with mostly non traditional students of all ages and from different backgrounds, I don't think you can effectively accomplish your goal of educating the student without successfully understanding and executing the "3 Ms". The age of our students range from 16 to 65 and come from different environments. This challenges us to develop a faculty and staff to work with and deliver the educational product in a way that is received by each student. Also, this is an ongoing process and has to be maintained and updated continually thru training. The one important factor that makes our processes easier is that each student has made that important decision to continue their education and change their lives. Some of them are still unsure of their ability or whether or not this is the right thing for them. Because we know how important an education is for them and their families, it's our responsibility as educators and mentors to meet their individual needs and help them accomplish their goal. This is why the 3 Ms are critical to their success.

Great response!!! You truly understand our sector and why we are different.

I firmly agree. I believe that everyone has some form of personal conflicts outside of business and school. This is where mental health comes in. Even if you are talking to your friend and seeking support or looking to an instructor for guidance, everyone needs some form of mental support and security.

Many of our students didn't have many good models in their lives and need Lifestyle Skills. We need to become their models and mentors for these skills.

I see this everyday as an instructor. I try to be friendly with my students and know what is going on in their lives. When I see one distressed, I take them aside and listen and figure out a way to help. Even if I can't help, the students always appreciates the listening.

Sometimes all students need is someone to talk to that becomes a model and mentor to them.

I dont feel that we are in more than one business,But we need to ware more than one hat.
As educators we need to hone and use all of our skills to give our costomers the best education possable.

I also agree. Many times I have had students with disorders and major problems in their personal life. Which explains why they have a hard time with the course. I believe that we need to help them or direct them to someone that can. I want to know that I did my best to help them succeed. They are our future.

We need to help them as much as possible with some of their lifestyle issues (that get in the way) before many are ready to learn.

I agree that educators are in the mental health business. I say that because, all persons in a position of managing people are in the mental health business. I believe in the whole person. Employees, students, etc. are not one dimensional creatures. It is important to make sure the mind is well or at least focused on the goal of success. Otherwise, everything else is academic.

I agree with you on this.

Dr Pace,
While we are actually employed as instructors/teachers/mentors, the reality of the matter is that we in fact are also part mental health professional/counselr in a sense when we deal with the probelms that occur in the lives of our students. I believe we have a fiduciary responsibility to our students to listen, guide and help them to achieve their goals. I always tell the students I am available to listen to anything that is troubling them and if I can't assist I will be happy to direct them to a resource that can provide help, be it student services for money issues or prehaps the schools counselor for family or personal issues. Being able to offer sometimes just a kind ear is enough to help the student resolve the dilema. I need to help my students prepare not only to become technicians for the technical end but also how to act and funtion in the capacity of an responsible employee. IE. how to talk to customers and relay information to their service advisor. What to expect when dealing with someone for parts or how to deal with an angry customer...It's not personal, they are just upset about their car and you are there so, can you listen without becoming defensive and angry in return...
This isn't always easy to do especially if you are personally having a bad day.
So yes...I believe we are in multiple businesses.

I agree that at times as educators we are also in the mental health business. As with any situation that involves the interaction between people, there is always mental health aspect involved.

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