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Involve students in: Career fairs, Business to Business Trade Shows, Chamber of Commerce events.

Student retention can be improved by keeping the curriculum and the classes interesting and informative,keeping expectations high but not overwhelming.

Career Services teach our class on resume writing and interviewing skills. We help place students early to prepare them for inter and exterships which are required for graduation. we keep current job books by location, also have an open house for employers to interview our students. As a team we are all envolved with our students.

My department is planning to set up a meeting with our career services department to talk about this topic. I am interested to hear about the various programs and ways that they help service the students and what we can do to help.

Our career/placement department holds job fairs on campus and regularly schedules employer days also on campus. By showing students that jobs are available after graduation helps keep them motivated to finish their education

Our employment department has job fairs, hiring managers from variuos places of employment come and speak. This shows students that there are jobs out there for the taking, keeping them motivated and thier eye on the goal.

Have you engaged the employment department early in the educational process?

Dr. B

We start talking about employeement during orientation, again the first day of class with a guest speaker, thro9ughout the class and on into the next class. It never really ends. Almost all of the things discussed in this module we already do. I would like to see a little more job placement succes stories posted around the campus.

If we could place more job postings all around the school I think that the students would see what the future holds for them. They would want to finish there study's knowing what was waiting for them when they are done.

Our school's placement program starts by teaching the student how to effectively write a resume. Then as part of the students program they are to complete an internship in their field. Finally many of those internships turn into placements.

Do you connect students with career services early in their educational program? This helps to keep a student motivated.

Dr. B

Sure, career services is an integral part of their time here.It really does help to motivate them

What do you think they could do to help you with retention?

Dr. B

Our students are career-driven. So career services can help to match each students skills and talents with the best job prospects.

True... the key is, when should you involve career services? Early in the educational process? If you do, retention will improve. Why?

Dr. B

Our school teaches the placement process in one of our General Ed Classes. We hold mock intervies, put together their portfolio invite speakers from area business to come in a speak. This is done about one year into their program.

We have a course specific to assisting student with resumes, personality strengths/weaknesses, and how and where to seek job placement through the school.

Good deal. So does the course work? Should you introduce students to career services earlier in the program?

Dr. B

Is this a workshop or part of a student's core courses?

Career services should be a resourse the tudent uses from day one. After all it is a career school they are attending and if you show the student that this is the goal and we are here to help you achieve it, it should help keep the student motivated and thereby increasing retention

That's a good idea. We have the NASCAR job board but something similar for the core side would be great.

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