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These are some we already do:
door decorations for the holiday
potlucks at the end of every term
community service (Mission of Mercy)
in the summer we have grilling on Thursday's students bring their meats we grill them and then they can have pot lucks.
some activities I would like to see more off are:
pizza day
more mentoring opportunities
fun activities that require competition


This is a great suggestion. Combining the free food with a service promotes the service.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

We provide pins to our students when they achieve certain milestones. Also, these pins are accompanied by awards/certificates that we tell them is great for them to input into a portfolio for when they apply for jobs. We arrange activities around these pins, and host alumni events, etc. We really try to tie in all of the departments (i.e., current students, academics, graduate employment, admissions reps, administration, etc.) The students feel part of a family.


Recognition reinforces student success. I've seen several similar programs and they are all positive.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

At this moment we are trying to implement a group of ambassadors or volunteers. One of my coworkers came up with the idea and I think it will help a lot with the retention.

Organize health checks in which students can go outside the school and check vital signs, etc. at shopping malls, etc. This can give students a clear perspective on how they can be an important step in the well being of others.


I like this idea. What will take to make it happen?

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

My school is really involved in the community.

Some school involvement activities include pot lucks, celebrating birthdays, costume contests, picnics, awards, etc. There are several occasions that could be turned into an activity to aide in student retention.


Seems like you have quite a few things in place. Any favorites?

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

Making a connection with the student from day one is vital. During my first day of class, I find out their birthday, easiest phone number and email to reach them, and the reason why they chose this program. This helps me begin to build a bond with them. I also have little gifts for them on day one such as pencils and highlighters.

i agree, involving the holidays and recognizing students for perfect attendance and honor role is agreat way to get students to stay involved in school.

I agree! What better way to motivate than through open recognition. Humans are quite competitive and soon you will have everyone chasing those coveted awards.


Making that connection is so vital. Thank you for your post.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

I agree. These things allow students to be interactive, have a little fun and express themselves in ways that the classroom doesnt typically allow.

It is also fun for staff and faculty to supply the snacks. We have done everything from ice cream to bagles. We give all classes a break at the same time and staff serves them. A bit crowded but a great way to interact.

There are multiple things that I believe will increase student retention and increase student morale. First, I believe that all national holidays should be observed by all faculty and students. I also believe that students should all be required to watch awards ceremonies. I feel that seeing how one's peers have excelled, would motivate other students to do the same. Also, I feel that all students that are on the borderline of failing a course should have to meet with a school mentor of some sort.

Cultural Diversity Awareness Event
Black History Event
Celebrate Nurses' Week

My college has started a cultural appreciation month, a Mr.and Mrs. Concorde competition, and student fun day, etc. Building school pride increased student retention.


And these are well received by the students?

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

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