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Let's assume that a student does not want to be do you handle that situation?

Cindy Bryant

At our institution we keep our prospects for quite some time until they get nasty on the phone and demand that we remove them. We also remove prospects that have been uncooperative and cannot be reached. When numbers are changed and/or disconnected we take the initiative and remove them from our system.


Hi! Thank you for sharing your method for handling D-N-C calls. Sometimes it is best to avoid the prospect becoming so disgruntled that they become nasty.

Cindy Bryant

Our school designed a simple worksheet file with prospective students (which had expressed their desire to be contacted later for future dates starting classes). Just a couple of calls have proved -in our experience- if the student is indeed interested/in good standing for enrolling or not. Those who are not at second courtesy call are placed on our DO NOT CALL category. Even so, they are not deleted from our matrix.

My institution don't rely on cold or warm calls for prospective applicants. Basically avoiding this issue all together.


Our institution applies software to our call list ensuring that all numbers on the "do not call" list are labeled as such. This software updates regularly, ensuring that numbers that move from "callable" to "do not call" are labeled as such when they change status, either based on time or based on student enrolling in the national or state "do not call" list.

We use CampusVue - when a student or prospective student requests DNC we change their status in CampusVue

Our college does not cold call students. We respond to students that submit an intrest and then call them. Their information is stored in a database. If those students are within 60 miles of this campus they are called by our campus admissions rep. If they no longer are interested and do not wish to be contacted further, that is tracked.


Hi! The Do Not Call status is important to be accurate. Failing to record D-N-C properly can lead to fines. Keep up the good work!

Cindy Bryant


It is good to know that you are not cold calling and soliciting enrollments. However, it is OK to cold call but I would advise that you review the D-N-C website first.

Cindy Bryant

if they are not interested move on to someone who is

we also employ campusVue to aid in this.

Our institution has been fortunate enough to have software that assists with this process. On every electronic student record, there is a DNC indicator. If this is selected, the students contact information is deleted (or restricted from view) by representatives that would be making these calls. Even if the student has not registered on the national database, our contact ceases immediately.


Thank you for sharing what your college does to protect prospective student's privacy. It is great that your college provides software that will restrict access.

Cindy Bryant

We do not cold call students, only those that contact us. We use a computerized system to track those who no longer want to be called.

We have a database, when it contacts the person is asked if he would like to call him again for next semester, if your answer is yes observation is made when the system must be called again if the answer is negative observation is left in the system that are not interested.

We are only contacting the students that call us or email us through our advertising first. We keep following up with them until they ask us to put them on a do not call list. Our system is making sure that we do not call those people.

Our school does the samething. Once someone doesnt want to be contact it will no longer be in the que to call


Thank you for responding to the forum. Federal regulations and guidelines help to create consistency among like institutions. Do Not Call is a great example of this type of impact.

Cindy Bryant

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