Federal Cost Principles | Origin: LC160
How do you think the cost principles you learned about this module affect the kinds of activities entities might support with Perkins funds?
It is important to keep in mind that all things Perkins are CTE, but not all things utilized within CTE may be funded with Perkins funding. Please know that Perkins funding is not designed to be the full support of the local CTE program(s), simply a compliment to local resources. It is critical to understand that Perkins budget requests must fit within what Perkins allows, yet because the funds are federal dollars, there are additional regulations that apply to all federal funds, which we also much comply with. Providing high-quality CTE to students requires a strong commitment of significant resources including funding an instructor, providing consumable learning materials, and investing in industry-grade equipment. Perkins funding is one source of financial support districts may access to not only support but improve their local CTE program(s).
It ensures that funds are spent appropriately and entities are accountable to be good stewards of the funds in accordance with Perkins and Federal regulations to improve CTE programs.
These rules and regulations ensure the funds are spent on CTE programs as indicated by the local school district in their grant application.
The costs covered would be directed towards the intended purposes in EDGAR and UGG usages. This helps districts make better decisions about how they are spending these funds.
They are ensuring that funds are spent on appropriate things that are allocable to the grant.
Assurance that funds are spent for CTE related activities and student growth and performance.
The cost principles help ensure that funds are spent in a responsible way and they purchased items support the goals of the program.
The cost Principles give you guidelines on what you can and cannot spend Perkins fund on for CTE.
The cost principles help govern through specific and consist guidance to ensure that all who receive Perkins funding are compliant with the legislation.
The cost principles are simply ensuring funding is spent in alignment with Perkins rules and CTE.
It is all about accountability and the use of funds appropriately. The emphesis on correctly using the funds as the regulations have established.
The rules make schools accoutable and makes sure the money is spent correctly
These rules are a form of accountability to ensure that money is spent appropriately.
It is a form of accountability to make sure funds are spent according to policy.
The cost principles simply make sure that money is being spent in an ethical, aligned way. Money should ultimately be used to support CTE students, instructors, and staff. The alignment with LNA for Perkins makes sense.
The cost principles work to ensure activities are appropriate for supporting the mission of supplementing CTE education. They directly tie the funds to the activities to the mission.
Ensures that the dollars spent are consistent with the grant purposes for CTE.
This section reinforces the need to tie spending directly to programming. Good reminders to keep things program and student centered.
The activities Perkins funds might support within an entity are very specific. An entity may use the funds to support many activities if it adheres to the rules of the funds awarded. If it spends 100% of federal dollars on an item, then the item must be used 100% of the time on federal programs/activities. There are very few exceptions to the spending rules, but some are available. Some of the unallowable items are religion, entertainment, etc. Allowable expenditures would include travel, equipment, salaries, etc.