Kate Senn

Kate Senn

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Within my college, I see a strong need to share the governing rules and expecatations of spending.  With a greater understanding, additional uses may be identified while eliminating requests for items/positions that do not qualify.

This section reinforces the need to tie spending directly to programming.  Good reminders to keep things program and student centered.

Reply to Letha Bauter's post: Supply versus supplant is a tough call at times when an institution is facing budget cuts.  Perkins could help maintain a program.  (For example, if a program can only have X number of students per faculty member, Perkins could allow a second faculty member to remain to meet local demand.  Yes, programs should be self-supporting after the three years but with COVID or other hiccups, numbers can do down.  "Losing" a faculty member during lean times could lead to long term impacts.

I was not surprised.  As a grant, I knew there would be rules and regulations.  With Perkins, the need to follow these is key to the continued growth of our programs.  No Perkin could = program changes.

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