Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Keeping it focused on strengths

Effective feedback focuses on strengths. I know this, and I try to practice it. Unfortunatly, I still find it quite a challenge to stay strength-focused while trying to discuss areas of weakness. We're taught to "sandwitch" criticism between two compliments. While that may soften the blow, it does nothing to make an effective plan for change. Identifying what the instructor does well needs to be more than a sugar coating; it needs to be part of the plan for improvement. That is an area I need to explore much further. 

LC160 - Spending and Managing Carl D. Perkins Grant Funds

This course would be a great one for those new to Perkins as well as those who manage Perkins funding from the state or local level.  I also think anyone who utiilizes Perkins dollars for their programs would, upon completion, be able to have a better understanding about what is allowable.  It can also help in understanding the state role and reasons for guidance and oversight.  Sometimes at the classroom or district level, we feel that local control should be the rule, but with federal dollars, there is a reaon why the state has to ask for certain rules to… >>>


Work with your CTE Administrator and State Office on questions related to Perkins.  Each state handles the distribution formula (between secondary and post-secondary), evaluation, and accountability differently.

Collaborative Learning

It is essential that CTE Administrators understand that formative assessments are just as valuable as summative assessments to help plan for the needs assessment of the schools.  Everything from informal observations to statewide testing can help create a picture of the needs that need to be focused on schoolwide.

Priorities, Priorities, Priorities

It is imperative that shop safety is your number one priority.  ocassionaly otherissues or deadlines become a focus for projects or activities, it is never more important to get things done in a timely manner, it is ALWAYS more important to have them done safely.  You got to have eyes in the backmof your head, and ears that are tuned in to your environment.  Safety First!