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I agree, as you must ensure that you adhere to all of the appropriate rules and regulations.

At our institute, I can not begin to tell you how many eyes will review the application. I draw the line when I see individuals adding in items that were removed three revisions ago. However, I must say that this process never fails to impress the judges in the end. Credibility is everything in this game.

The final reading by a person familiar with the content and the TWC regulations is key for accuracy.

Prior to submitting any application of approval, I would make myself a checklist of forms, requirements, fee(s), etc. and more than anything, make sure everything, including the check is signed in blue ink and notorized if required.

I agree with you, a second set of eyes is always helpful.

I would use a checklist first to ensure that all of the required components are included. Once complete a second set of eyes is always a good idea.

Create a checklist and a timeline for when the application has to be turned in. Write need fee on the last part of the checklist. Have several qualified staff members check the application.

The second set of eyes to check the accuracy of the application is always the best.

Frank Hammack

Ensur that the progam information is correct and also be sure that all forms used are completed corrected prior to submission. I woul also have the checklist complete. I would also have my the Director of Education review information to be sure there are no mistakes in any of the program information as well as the TWC forms

This is the best way ,go over the checklist and read instructions over ,cal and ask questions if needed to ensure accuracy

Remember that you can contact any member of the Career School and Colleges staff to ask questions. Be sure to call the main number 512-936-3100.

Frank H.

Review the document for details like the School code.
Review the document is signed in blue ink and notarized.
Review that the contact/credit hours/weeks are accurate and no typos occured.
Review accurate School information is typed correctly, i.e. phone number, address, School name.
The DOE and President complete our forms.
Then, regulatory operations reviews once
Then, higher regulatory team reviews for the second time.
So, 3 reviews are actually done on the applications, ensuring accuracy.

The more eyes looking at any application is the best practice. Ensure those who look at the application have knowledge as to what should be included.

Frank H.

Ensure you are using all of the correct forms and be certain you are submitting the correct fees and include on the fee sheet. Also be certain all items needing to be notarized are properly done with a visible seal so there will be no delay in processing the paperwork.

This is a great point for a lot of things as the person originally doing it may fall into a routine and neglect something.

A second set of eyes to review the application is always important. If your not sure what they are asking for, call them. The staff of program specialist will be glad to answer your questions. Be sure to mail to the address in the upper right hand corner of the PS-186, Fee Sheet. This will make sure it gets processed and to Career Schools as possible.

Frank H.

Have a copy of a correctly filled out application as a guide, proof read and spell check the application or have someone else review the application for any mistakes.

Ensure the most current version of the form(s) is being used. Use blue ink to complete all forms. And make sure all requirements are completed with appropriate signatures.

I also agree that this is a great point. Some of the forms seem simple to complete, but that can make it easier to make simple mistakes!

It is nice to know that you can call and ask them for clarity. I would have been hesitant to do so...thinking they would think we were inept in our roles.

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