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The challenges that impede team progress is lack of communication and focus on the task at hand. Some team players only want to know what's in it for them instead of what's in it for the organization as a whole.

Some groups are unclear of the groups' goals. They have no direction, and may run into not understanding the objective of the team. Incorporating a team leader that can help clarify the team goals will help alleviate any questions the team may have.

top challanges of team work/building:
individual attitide
goal setting

i agree negative energy can ruin your day!!! more people dwell on what is not working instead of trying to fix the problem at hand. Wasted energy, it is like trying to drive your car out of the snow spinning the car's tires on ice.

Hi James,

Good points. It all starts with realistic and detailed goal setting. You must budget what you will do rather than what you want to do, particularly in these challenging times.

Once you have a plan with a detailed bridge taking you from point A to B, you can measure progress with clear and open communication along the way.

If you accomplish these first two points, individual attitude will take care of itself, assuming you have the right person in place.




Great comments. Although I live in snow deprived California, I'm going to use your analogy in my next Director's Boot Camp.



Hi Nicole,

This is a challenge with any team. I let my team know that it is in the difficult times that we shine and separate ourselves from the field.

Average teams are able to produce acceptable results in great times, but it is only the top teams that are able to quickly recognize and counter difficult market conditions.

You will find this competitive advantage within any great company--great teams of people ready to adapt and quickly react to change.


Greg Nathanson

Hi Robert,

It is very difficult to find the right discussing/doing balance. Most managers schedule too many meetings and/or their meetings are too long.

A weekly conference call worked very well for me. A very brief, metric-driven report was submitted every week before the call and my direct reports would take no more than five minutes on the call to review the past week, focusing primarily on exceptions to plan and providing some visibility for the following week.

Best Regards,


Hi Leslie,

Great points. Keeping team members on task is a critical component in driving successful outcomes. Team members are very easily distracted and love to comment on and worry about other areas of the business.

The team leader must keep individuals centered on their key performance area. The leader should also refrain from delegating too many projects or tasks outside a member's day-to-day focus.



Hi Yolanda,

The leader runs the show. Although a leader many times acts as a facilitator, at the end of the day, they make the call.

The leader must listen to all suggestions and ideas and then make a quick and decisive decision based on the material presented, group discussion and information available.

A leader should never allow team members to talk over each other or inappropriately criticize other ideas.

Best Regards,


Hi Edo,

Good points. Team members must understand their individual goals and how these goals or tasks fit into the overall objectives for the entire team.

Individuals will never be able to visualize the team goals if they don't fully understand and feel accountable for their individual responsibilities.



Negagtivity is the biggest challenge. When negativity becomes a way of group think, it is even worse. It is extremely difficult at that stage to recreate a positive, balanced and individualized working atmosphere and the progress of the team is stalled and the overall goal of the company is lost. When the system is broken, it is important to stop and fix it.

In a word, Consistancy. Instructors and Education Managers deal with a balance of enforcing rules but keeping in mind what is best for the student or or the managers the instructor base. There are rules to follow but the enforcement of those rules can not be black and white, right or wrong. Careful consideration must be given to each decision because you are dealing with the future of peoples lives. Because of this personalities come into play with the decisions being made which can lead to inconsistancies in rule enforcement.

The most common problem I have faced is with groupthink. Often participants are unwilling to disagree with their coworkers. A healthy debate is useful in uncovering problems and solutions.


People acting as individuals without considering the vision and goals agreed upon by the team. when this happens it is necessary to revisit the goals and refocus on the alignment of the product

Some of the common challeges that may impede team process is the indivual personalities between each team member may cause conflicts

Another challange is when indivuals have their own agenda that is not the same as the teams and may cause friction.

Not having a strong team leader that can not keep the team focused

I believe the most common challenge to impede team progress is a negative work environment. This is often develops from employees who are "overworked" and the standards for productivity are set too high.

Yes this is true. this also occurs whe nwhe npeoeple our under worked and the suddenly they are asked to do more. Because they have been conditioned t onot doing a full work load they become used to the minimuin work load and become
resentfuL and the slow down their work speed to prove the the additional workload is too much when it really is not.

I think one crucial challenge for team that I've been involved with and observed is communication. We have heard time and time again that communication is key to every aspect of life. In a team communication needs to be open and honest. Lack there of will impede the team from achieving their objectives.

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