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Redirecting is not a bad strategy as long as it does not impede the progress of the team. You need to be direct, even if it is uncomfortable, and say something like, “I believe we are getting off topic, let’s get back to our agenda,”, or “I think we should take this conversation offline so that it does not distract the rest of the team. Let’s talk after the meeting and clarify.” The rest of the team will appreciate your candor. And, if the person has valid points, you should acknowledge them at the next meeting so that everybody on the team can see that you believe in transparency.

Dr. Jamie Morley

Not having that clear vision and purpose for the team to even exist. What are the driving factors, what is teh sense of urgency, or the consequences of not having a solid team?


From your post, it sounds like you have been on unorganized teams that don’t seem to have a purpose. From what you learned in this class, what advice would you give the team leader to make the team more functional?

Dr. Jamie Morley

Some of the biggest challenges that have impeded my team's progress are negative attitudes, close-mindedness, and a sense of entitlement. Many of my team members have been doing the same job, in the same way, and expect to be rewarded. Although many of the work flows and approaches in the classroom are effective, it is essential that my team has an open mind to change. Since we work in an environment that is often changing, it is important for me as the team leader to clearly and concisely communicate change and have one-on-one and group meetings to address any questions or negative attitudes.


I agree that team member buy in is essential. The team leader must buy into the goal in order to communicate and motivate the goals to the team. Brainstorming is a great place to go back to when teams hit a road block; the team leader should foster this communication but also facilitate the discussion so it doesn't veer off into something negative.


You make some good observations. A manager’s role is to communicate effectively, train their people to do a good job, get your team the tools necessary to do the job, and then help them clear a path to get it done. One way to change negative attitudes is to show people that change is possible and change is good. So often people feel overworked because of the inefficiencies of the process, as opposed to the actual job itself. They are frustrated with an ordering process, or paperwork required, or time it takes to get a decision. Always start the week by asking your people what you can do to clear a path for productivity for them, you will be amazed at how much more productive they will be.

Dr. Jamie Morley


Thanks for responding to Troy. Encouraging brainstorming in a safe environment enables everybody to be creative. A good manager or team leader needs to be able to help channel or compartmentalize great ideas into actionable ones – since that is the goal of collaborating on projects.

Dr. Jamie Morley

I believe that personalities can impede a team progress. also, if one person is worrying about another person not doing enough or they may want the position that the other person has.

You make a good point. In-fighting and petty arguments over roles, responsibilities, and contributions is a huge time and productivity killer! Establishing clear roles and timelines can help keep that under control. Also, being transparent about everybody’s progress is a good way to keep a project moving. I update a Gantt chart weekly that shows the status of everybody’s work toward project completion and post it on a bulletin board. Public accountability is a strong motivator.

Dr. Jamie Morley

I would say the lack of unity or a team identity seems to impede a team's progress. Teams have to be bounded. Creating a level of boundary is the job of an effective leader. Leaders must make sure all team members are bounded by the same purposes and goals. This means the leader has the biggest job of understanding who is on their team. Once boundaries are in place, all team members should be able to discuss and understand the underlying mission of the team.


You are correct in that it is important to set boundaries for your team so that people do not work on activities that are outside the scope of the project or their role. However, sometimes having strict boundaries can squelch the creative abilities of a team. What strategies do you use to ensure that your team mates are staying on track without inhibiting them?

Dr. Jamie Morley

I recently became in charge of a team that was already in place prior to my addition. It has been very challenging to become part of the team as well as the leader of the team simultaneously.
It has been a gradual process. Being accepted as part of the team had to occur prior to being accepted as leader. Keeping our team moving forward was imperative as well. We are all still learning and growing in our roles in this team, so that is very encouraging.

It is always difficult to be promoted from within. But it is a wonderful thing -- so concratulations! There is one piece of advice I always give to new managers. Don’t be afraid to ask your experienced team members for guidance. A manager does not need to know everything. Sometimes, new managers feel that asking their employees questions makes them look weak. In reality, it shows that you are comfortable in your role and have respect for all opinions. The people that used to be your peers will appreciate your extra effort and make it easier to accept you in your new role.

Dr. Jamie Morley

I believe that day to day business can get in the way of team building. I know in my department we are constantly busy taking care of issues that there is limited time grow as a team. When a whole department gets busy the team building activities tend to slow down, which can definitely have negative responses.


This is a very common concern. Many companies have set up internal web pages where teams can view information, get kudos, and participate in threaded discussions with other employees. Just as students need peer interaction, so do employees. Technology enables us to bond in many unique ways. It may not be as ideal as a group outing, but it facilitates communication and collaboration.

Dr. Jamie Morley

I have lead a culinary team for almost three years now and consistently run into the issue of team members competing to "be the best" person on the team instead of working to improve each other. I try to remind them as much as possible that I am looking for the best team as a whole not the best team member and that each of them brings a different skill set to the group. What else can I be doing to help the team understand this concept to team untiy?


Taking turns is a wonderful best-practice! Not only does it ensure accountability and preparation on their part, it develops their presentation and leadership skills. It also helps you, as the team leader, to assess skills and weaknesses and gives you an insight into areas where you could help your employees develop. By establishing clear times when each will be the leader, they are less likely to be concerned about being the leader all the time.

Dr. Jamie Morley

The major challenge of teambuilding that i have found is mental. People involved in the exercise are sometimes not 100% committed to the task. So i prepare everyone by giving them the criteria prior to the teambuilding event. This gets them into the spirit and produces a better product.


Pre-work is a great idea for establishing the foundation of a teambuilding event. The importance of taking minutes is often overlooked. However, writing and distributing minutes makes sure that everybody is on the same page and enables members that missed the meeting to stay in touch.

Dr. Jamie Morley

Events and actions of other leadership roles (possibly corporate/ executive),when mismanaged or are ill communicated, tend to develope a lack of confidence and can invite a sense of disrespect or disbelief for immediate managers or department heads.
If team members continually see frustration without direction, then how can team members hope to be successful?

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