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Learning Styles

How will blended delivery help you to include all of the learning styles in the student learning process?

The new style of learning for the student is through their IPOD or cell phone. They would rather learn through some type of electronic device, because it delivers more visual and interactive if possible and different points of information that they can gather. They would also see if they could manipulate the device to get as much information as possible to point in their favor.


So given the new reality, how must we change the delivery of content and the overall instructional design of our courses?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I think with adult learners espically,we have to teach in the manner in which students do their best.Kid's these days are very much learning by internet ect. that's the way their being taught, but we as adults or most of us were not instructed in this manner. we have all kinds of student learning and those who are younger really tend to be nomadic. It's our jobs as instructors to continue to educate ourselves so that we can learn to better help the very diverse learning styles.

I think with adult learners espically,we have to teach in the manner in which students do their best.Kid's these days are very much learning by internet ect. that's the way their being taught, but we as adults or most of us were not instructed in this manner. we have all kinds of student learning and those who are younger really tend to be nomadic. It's our jobs as instructors to continue to educate ourselves so that we can learn to better help the very diverse learning styles.

I think with adult learners espically,we have to teach in the manner in which students do their best.Kid's these days are very much learning by internet ect. that's the way their being taught, but we as adults or most of us were not instructed in this manner. we have all kinds of student learning and those who are younger really tend to be nomadic. It's our jobs as instructors to continue to educate ourselves so that we can learn to better help the very diverse learning styles.

Yes, keeping current with technology and innovative with its use in instruction is key - realize, however, that instructional methods that you already use can still be used with some modifications - over time, you'll find those methods that work best with your approach and instructional design AND the technology you choose. Those you will keep...

Dr. Ruth Reynard

This will alow me to tailor my instruction style to the learners.

I'm not sure what you are referring to here - can you be more specific? Thanks,

Dr. Ruth Reynard

it's the new age of students. they need to learn in a way the will prepare them for the age of technolgy.


Indeed, and also to learn effectively which is what happens with the use of new technology. Do you agree?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

First off understanding that the class is full of different levels of learners helps how you as an instructor develop teqniques to bring all learners to the subject material.

" New age" students, "New age" learning. So of the older students like to hear it and touch it.
"new age" students want to see it to beleave it. by doing both styles everyone has the ability to obtain the information needed.

Seems we must have this technology for many students to learn. This appears to some extent give the leaners more flexability in learning in todays world.


Do you think it also enhances the learning process for students? If so, how?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

it helps so you dont have students get behind in class and you try to keep them on a level field. i deal with a wide varitey of age groups and they all learn differently.

Can you be specific regarding how the technology and your instructional design help address the various learning styles of your students?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

You have many different ways of leaning and using the blended delivery will help but, you still can’t beat the one on one for the student that is having issues.


Good point - do you find that blended can increase the opportunities for those one-on-ones?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

This is nothing new to us that teach in trade schools as we have been doing this style of teaching forever.When explaining a technical aspect of a certain system or procedure, some students can learn by an explanation, others by a demonstration, and still others by a combination of both. It is not unusual for me to use the one on one technique either.It seems as though no two school systems teach the same either,so having a vast array of styles and techniques can only help the student and instructor.

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