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Blended learning will give the instructor a wider variety of tools so that by combining lecture, group discussion with online and group and individual lab projects, all students will be exposed to the material in a way that is best for them.

Yes, and engagement and interaction is heightened. Good points!

Dr. Ruth Reynard

This allows the student to learn more at their own pace. Some students do quite well with lecture and note taking. Blended learning allows more of a diverse level of information delivered to students. This has made students that I've seen more tentative and involved in their weaker levels of communication. There more involved in the lecture and taking notes. Knowing that they can, both go to a computer or to a book and read more in depth, and at their pace.

Good points on self-directed and self-paced learning which can be facilitated with the use of new technology...BUT...still requires teacher intervention and guidance.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

If done right it should cover all of them. The learner will hve multiple chances to see the info in many different ways to help them learn.

Very true - have you had experiences with students regarding this? How have you found the leanring styles/perferences have been addressed?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Blended delivery helps each students style of learning.With this the students feel less lost and more comfortable recieving the information

Why is that the case? What does the technology help accomplish with students?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

blended learning gives a chance to create more input and also gain better output to and from more than just some of the students.

I beleive by using the blended learning that we are changing to will adapt to many different learning styles. I'm confident that once each instructor is confident in the content delivered electroniclly along with his own style added for the additional learning, the one who benifits is the learner(student). we need to continue to change our teaching methods as each generation changes as times moves...

it is easier with a more tactical learning group in the classroom, with that understanding, I can adapt to everyones learning style eaiser.

Yes we do with blended types of delivery. We use the classroom lecture, discussions, and lab for hands on. the students are also required to complete web courses before and along with the classroom material.

by knowing how the students learn we can plan a lesson that will help multiple learners with all different kind of learning styles. by using blended learning the students have hands on,audio learning, visual, and examples of how to do the process put before them.They also are able to use each other for help, this will help them to reley on others when help is necessary.

Blended learning helps to bring some interaction to the areas of study that previously did not offer that. Blended learning brings sound and motion to material that was strictly reading only, which discouraged some students because that kind of information delivery format tends to be bland.

The blended learning concept should help every leraning style student get the most out of their education.

It is the nature of blend presentations to include all learning styles, for example, a typicle day may consist of a brief review of the previous days work,an introduction to todays assignment, some time spent completing web study, followed by demonstrations and lab asignments led by myself or a lab assitant.The content is presented in several formats allowing for discussion and getting ones hands involved. Each student has an opertunity to participate in his own style as well as others.

Well Steve...
I see this as how the new generation learns. So why not incorporate it into or along with the existing Lesson plan. This is just one more way to get the topic across and understood. There are many roads to travel through the mountains. It is the understanding of the journey and the destination that is important.


In what ways does this happen?

Dr. Ruth Reynard


Yes, teaching changes as the needs of students change and society demands new skills and knowledge...the rapid changes in technology also mean that teachers are constantly leanring new things alogside students - BUT it also means that teachers can encourage students to lead the way in their own learning process.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

How do you manage a variety of learning styles and perferences?

Dr. Ruth Reynard

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