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How does new technology change content input for students generally?

Wow - there is only one word I can think of as I answer this question.. FLEXIBLITY. These days, there are so many options or content input from students.

* Online Discussion Boards
* Mobile Learning Apps
* E-mail
* Real-time Video
* Social Media

As module #2 states, "Mobile technology users do not take well to hyper control of their usage and likewise, this generation of learners should not be subjected to control of input in a course of study."

Due to the latest advancements in technology, today's learner(s) requires so much more flexibility while studying in an academic environment. As I result, I whole-heartedly agree with this philosophy.

Fialishia O'Loughlin

Shaunda, great point :-) This takes "multi-tasking" to a whole other level. I personally believe that its important for students to learn this "multi-tasking" skill early on in life. As technology advances, Corporate America demands it even more. This means that our students will need to be equipped to work in a team environment, all while producing more results faster & cheaper.

By the way, do you require that your students work on team projects together?

Fialishia O'Loughlin

Yes - I definitely believe social media is here to stay. It's up to us as instructors to figure out how to use it in a productive way that will enhance the learning experiences of our students.

Thanks for sharing!
Fialishia O'Loughlin

Yes, so as the "input" is varied, so the output can be as well. This means that students become expert at information processing and production.

Dr. Ruth Reynard


The actual environments keep changing as to user preferences so we need to stay aware especially with younger generations.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Phyllis, great point. I find that students tend to rely too much on the work of others, and cease to think critically. One trick I've used successfully is to divide the class and have half approach a situation in support of it, the other half against. After that, they need to describe how their own opinion changed after seeing both sides. That helps them to get past the "cut and paste" citation overload that I get otherwise.

Hello Dr. Reynard,

We need to utilize the technology that students are interested in. They are in constant contact with the outside world; other students and awesome websites to assist with their learning. As it is now for our students, they can access their class via their cell phones which gives them the opportunity to react in real time to their assignments when they have a little spare time. That cellphone in their hand makes life and learning fun!! Lets give them what they want in the manner that they are going to use.

Ruby W.

Good points! Access and flexibility are both central characteristics of new technology which means the learning experience is unconfined and continuous.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I teach Information Technology, and I find myself using a lot more screen-capture video than I did with pure on-ground courses. Those videos have also come in handy for on-ground students looking for how-to guides that go beyond the textbook.


Great! So customizable resources as well as directed use.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I do realize as we gain more and more technology, there are many different forms of information we can learn not only for ourselves as instructors, but mostly our students. I do not consider myself as techy as most, but I have somewhat adapted to the flow of technology like most.

I encourage you to continue :) New technology is opening up access and expanding networks like never before. This changes how and who we teach as much as how our students do and want to learn.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

New technologies allow students to become more efficient and effective in their learning. For example, the use of wireless and portable devices give students the option to study anywhere. In addition, it supports the development of their creative juices by providing different tools and colloboration technologies.

New technology can give the student a sense of a crutch when it comes to learning. By this I mean that they can easily Google the question to come up with an answer, and then copy and paste it without retaining much from the question. Therefore, it should be more challenging for the student and a higher emphasis on integrity and the need to research from books, journals and other resources to assure that effective learning is taking place.



True...also, though, it requires additional skills to identify legitimate sources and summarize and synthesize the information - this teachers have to teach.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

Technology has allowed students to get answers to their questions at very fast rates. They can get online and find many sources of information. Also, with having library online, students can gain information from peer-reviewed sources very quickly.

Very true - direct access is a central characteristic of new technology.

Dr. Ruth Reynard

As I see it, the new technology removes the limits on the definition of the content in a particular course of study - it's open ended in the sense that the student can begin the process of accessing a "chain" of information which is, essentially, unending. One bit of information easily leads to another and another and connects itself to other sources which are then shared with others in the learning environment.

Yes, so that the notion of "discovery" in learning has a whole new meaning :)

Dr. Ruth Reynard

I have found many students using their telephone as their main form of communication. Some LMS's do not have full mobile capability, others do. This puts students in a challenging situation as they may not be able to access all features of the course. There may be some forms of technology that cannot be accessed via a mobile device. Additionally, some tablets do not come with word processing software that is compatible with common formats (Word). The discussions are generally accessible. This has increased participation in the discussions.

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