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I agree a developer would find it difficult to provide a dynamic environment for online learners without the integration of various activities.

@s101crider :It may be true you do not have to be a wizard to develop a great course. However, you need to have the knowledge of a specific discipline and teaching methodology. 

Good Morning,

I think the answer depends on the course being developed and the platform used to deliver it. Before a course can be effectively developed, one must have the skills needed to construct the course so it can be implemted within the platform. This means that the instructor must have a thorough understanding of the virtual classroom and all tools provided. This will then allow the instructor to design the course with these tools in mind. 



I do not think this process requires one to be a "technical wizard". However, one does need to complete the training required to be competent in the classroom. Realistically, any course development will be piloted and reviewed before going "Live" so any issues would be noted. 

@s101crider I agree, the average person does not need need to be tech savoy.


I disagree. I have taught online for 9 1/2 years and taught hybrid classes for 4 yrs. I am not an IT person. I'm a scientist. I have developed two online science labs, then managed two committees to redesign two labs from nothing. I was part of three redesigns of two science classes and wrote several of the assignments. In the two hybrid classes that I have taught I designed the syllabus and how the class was designed. What part was online and what part was in the classroom. The key is content experts. We are the content experts, not the technical wizards. We in whatever discipline you are in know what topics, goals, and objectives a student needs to know, not them. They provide the format on how this subject content is produced. It is similar to producers making a movie. There are producers and actors. The Technical wizards are the producers and we are the actors. We know what to say and how to present it. They know what to give us in order for us to do this.


I would agree with this. As instructors we do need to know the technology that our classrooms have and how to use it. If we are technically challenged we can't teach our subject effective.


I agree with Bill. There are many times when we need to be able to help students with their technology problems. Just refering them to tech support is insufficient. In a class where face to face interaction is so limited, it makes the instructor's position stronger to be able to make recommendations to correct student shortcomings. in addition, we need to know how to use all of the tools we are presented with. Again, this makes students' confidence in the instructor stronger.

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