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Research has shown by coloring relevant pictures, learners remember the content better and for longer periods of time than just listening to a lecture.

I like the jello example, I would get tubes (possibly paper towel rolls) and use them as the vein or artery, then add m&m's in 3 different colors for the elements in the blood and possibly roll that into talking about the way the blood clots and how to prevent it from clotting. My students struggle with understanding the clotting factor!! Great Idea. Thank you!!

Great adaption, Amanda. Using simple hands on materials such as tubes and M&M's will clear up any misunderstanding and will keep your learners engaged.

I have successfully used the T-shirt method for organs and the skeleton. The students respond to it very well and enjoy wearing their shirts to classes that we will be dressing down for palpation labs. I have also taught the cell by using a large round sugar cookie. I assign a part of the cell to each student. They must provide a fruit or candy that closely resembles their cell portion, and present the function of the cell part to the class, then lay it onto the cookie accordingly. As a treat, we share the cell cookie during a break.

Thanks for sharing the cookie idea. I have used jello in cupcake molds, but this sounds easier.

The sheet with the drawing of the heart and the bodies circulation would be great for my class. When teaching hemodynamics it is hard to understand the concept, and this would get them out of their chairs to actively participate and give them a visual of what they are learning.

I'm glad you like this strategy and I hope you can incorporate it into your classes.

The incredible edible cell is a great idea and would be fun to put together. These are all very creative ideas, a pat on the back to whomever!

I really liked the sheet with the heart and teaching the blood circulation. Students have a hard time trying to remember blood circulation.

Thanks, Wendy. Glad you like them. I hope you use the incredible edible cell.

I actually have a t shirt I bought with organs of the body on it front and back and wear it to illustrate their position during physical assessment.

Where did you get it? I would love to find one for myself!

My favorite was the T-shirt idea! I cannot wait to use this in my surgical procedures class and have them do different surgical incisions on their t-shirts. This will not be the only idea I use because I really liked them all and think they are just too fun!! Thanks so much.

My favorite method, although there are several that I will use, is the shower cap brain anatomy. I plan to have students wear their caps while playing a game of "which lobe is responsible for" and they will touch the area of the cap. Whoever is faster gets a bonus point. You have great ideas for keeping the class engaged in learning!

I can add more visuals and adapt certain sayings or phrases to reinforce theories discussed.

I enjoyed the idea of the utilizing a T-shirt for visiual and hands on learners for anatomy, as this will help reenforce learning from lectures/discussions/lab.


I'm so glad this is the one you have chosen. The kinesthetic elements of this make it work.

Jennifer, I've never thought of doing different surgical incisions with the shirts, but I will try it now. Thanks for suggesting this wonderful adaptation!

I will implement drawing the heart and vessels on the flat sheet. Students usually experience difficulty memorizing the pathway. I will use two sheets in a large room and include large extremity and neck vessels.

You will be surprised how well this works. Good luck to you! I've also heard from an instructor who uses sidewalk chalk and has the students draw the structure and then trace the route of blood through the heart.

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