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Educating Students with Disabilities | Origin: ED408

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Educating Students with Disabilities

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

When dealing students with disability in the classroom we should maintain organized place and limit distraction. Always focus and prioritize the learner and give students with special needs opportunities for success. Be an advocate, clarify your goals, and be a good listener. Use positive reinforcement and be a role model for student interest.

Breaking down my assignment task into managable step will help my student better understand what they are doing.  Even though some students may remove some task and go directlyh to the final product, others may need the steps broken into task.

For me as a Special Education Teacher, Collaboration with my General Education Peers is a huge part of my job. At my school, most Students with Disabilities are educated in the General Education Curriculum, and having good relationships with the General Education Teachers allows me to go to them and vice versa with any concerns we have and work as a Team to help our shared students be successful. The Education of Students with Disabilities truly is the responsibility of all members of each School, and as this section discussed, Collaboration is key. 

Technology Educaion Classes are very conducive for students with disability.  The hands on approach keeps kids engaged and allows for easy modification.   Physical disabilites require more equipment to make sure students have access to the curriculum.  

Collatobare with everyone instructing student to ensure they know the accommodations and that they're in place. 

As educators, we must be cognizant of all the different types of learning disabilities, and how to navigate through those challenges on our end, to do right by the student and to accomodate his or her needs. 


I have learned that using visuals and being predictable can help modify or adapt my current lesson plans to help other students with different disabilities. Collaboration seems to be key since it is voluntary. I understand that all students must have a goal and we must share that goal to work together to meet that. Students will need to undertand that it takes time to build that trust and keep an open line of communication to make sure that the goal is being met.


Being very supportive and flexible with lesson plans and changing them to be accommodating to any learners with disabilities.

It is important to make a safe learning space for all students.

Students with disabilities must receive appropriate accommodations and supports to be successful in the classroom. 

I really like the coaching potential and self reflection of this aspect of lesson planning.  The main foundation of UDL

Describe one of your current lesson plans.
What specification revisions/modifications can be made to your current lesson plan to make it more accommodating for a student with a disability?


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