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I think successful student advising includes providing clear information (as reflected in student policies, verbal communication and written follow up), a caring attitude (including the patience to listen and provide detailed information) and consistent follow up throughout the student experience.

Hi Sharda,
Absolutely! We have to be our students biggest cheerleader! We have to listen attentively, and we must let them know how much we care.

Patricia Scales

Motivation has to come from within the students. That acknowledgement helps with the reality of the classroom. Instructors role is to create an environment that fosters and encourages motivation.

be concerned with the specific personal or vocational decision.
to facilitate the student's rational process.
Exploration of vocational goals.
Course choice;program choice , scheduling .
Academic and non academic factors must be addressed.
also to requieres both the student and advisor to take responsibility for their advising.

Hi Patricio,
You are right, sometimes we have to deal with non-academic issues with our students. A lot of our students do not know how to handle their personal problems.

Patricia Scales

I completely agree that putting the information into "how will/could this relate to me in the real world" works wonders.During lab time "real life experiences conversations" can pop up. This is when a lot of them actually pay extra attention(when it will or can affect the future they might have).

Hi Timothy,
Students have more of an interest in the course when they fully understand how the course will benefit them.

Patricia Scales

Listening and explain clearly what student need to know

Hi Trung,
Listening is key! Our students need our undivided attention.

Patricia Scales

Effective listening is indeed a key piece, but knowing the subject matter so that you can effectivley respond is just as important

Hi John,
You are absolutely correct! Listening is a must! Students also appreciate it and feel better when they are talking to a professional who is extremely knowledgeable in the area.

Patricia Scales

I have found that a personal touch is to listen and hear the studnet. I agree with the eye to eye contact that must take place when truely listening to the student. The fact a student knows you care will allow the student to relax and if you allow for pauses when the student stops talking; you will hear more than you thought could be heard. I have found the pause allows the student time to gather his or her thought and build upon the information they just told you.

Hi Oliver,
Listening is key! Sometimes students simply need to be heard!

Patricia Scales

Activelistening and actually caring about what is being said. Take an interest.

Hi Marcus,
You are on point! We have to show our students that we geniunely care about them and their success.

Patricia Scales

The instructor must first and foremost be sincere in caring about the student and have that persons best interest in mind. Beyond that "I believe" that its all about being honest and direct with the student.

I agree with oliver each student is different and you need to make each one feel comfortable in class and lab and you will get there best effort

Hi Lloyd,

I concur! Each student is very imporant, and we should let them know just how important they are.

Patricia Scales

Hi Michael,
I love your perspective. Care about each student, but do not bend the rules, policies, and procedures.

Patricia Scales

Responding to each student as there needs arise and having the tools to address the issues is key. Knowing what you can and can not provide,but also having the back up help on campus to allow the student to seek the answers to an issue.

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