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What a great tribute it would be to have such a saying on one's gravestone. It says so much about the dedication one has to the field of education. I commend you for your effort to bring this challenging group around. As you say some changed and some did not. It was their loss not to respond to their growth in terms of respect and human interaction.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Everyone wants to feel needed. I feel as an instructor I may be the only one to offer support to my students. They may have no family or friends that are supportive. They may not be my best student but every little improvement or attempt for improvement must be told to the student

As their learning leader you are in a great position to provide support and reinforcement to your students. You may be the first person in their lives that they have had the opportunity to get to know that is in an authority position and thus is able to help them move forward toward their career goals.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

The human factor is, in my opinion the most important factor in student retention. If the student knows that we as an instructor believe they can be successful not only in our class but in life also, this can be the spark that ignites the fire in their life to be a winner.

Key part of our student interaction. They need to know we care about them and their success. They also need to know that we will be supportive of them but they have to put forth the effort needed since it is their future that they are preparing for.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Human factor is important in retaining students. If the student feels after failing the class that the teacher did his/her part, was supportive, trying the best to make the student to understand the material, then most likely that student will come back to repeat the same class with the same teacher... Generally, teachers who know how to teach are also very relaxed, with a good sense humor, easy to follow, which is a big plus in wanting the students to be in their class...

The Human Factor is very important to Student Retention. A sense of being wanted and knowing that this is the right place for them to be is very important. I make sure that every student from the first person entering the room to the last is greeted with a "Good Morning" and "How are you doing today". This gives them a sense of being wanted and that I acknowledge that they are there. When I lecture I open the floor to have students care their life experience with the classroom. I want them to take ownership of their education as an adult. So every student receives a calendar and homework log that is very user friendly with a clear understanding of what we are doing every day and what my expectation are for them.

This is a very good point because this approach lets the instructor maintain the standards of the course and provide support to students as needed. If that student for one reason or another is not able to pass the course he or she knows that the instructor is there to help them should they return for another try at the course. This is so much better than just having the student walk out the door feeling that there was not way the could be successful in the course or school.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

If we all act like robots then the responses will be like a robot. We need to keep students focused and wanting to learn. For most of my students they will not be going into my field of nursing (labor and delivery). However I do give them an antidote about what happened to a friend of mine who worked in a small community hospital and the only labor nurse called off sick and it was his turn to be called to Labor and Delivery. Much to his sergrine he ended up laboring a woman and he was so thankful that his instructor made him work just as hard as the women in his class that he was able to recall most of his knowledge and take care of this woman. When the students here about this they seem to take more notes and are engaging in class. When I have them at the hospital I do not give them a choice they all have to have at least 2 days on the labor and delivery unit.

I believe that the human factor is crucial in student retention. I've found that even a smile goes a long way when it comes to developing a rapport with students. As stated in the course material, you really never know exactly what a student may be dealing with.

Stories from the field are what increase the value of the course content to and for the students. Your specific story I know will be reflected on for many years by your students as think about their own preparation and trust that they have the technical and cognitive skills required to work with patients in all settings.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I feel an instructor has to become "approachable". Students that feel comfortable and respect their instructor tend to be better students.

This is so important if you are to earn the respect of your students. When respect is earned the foundation is laid for the development of rapport with students and this is when learning really becomes a part of why they are in the course.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Students want to see passion in their instructor for their education and their personal success. When we demonstrate sincere caring for their success the result is fulfilling to the instructor as well as the student in the form a life long connection.

Passion for one's field and enthusiasm for teaching about it is what students admire about their instructors. We need to bring both to the class each time it meets. Right you are about the fulfillment in knowing impact has been made in the life of both the instructor and the students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

A part of the human factor is acknowledging a person's strengths and weaknesses. From this an instructor can better guide the thinking and knowledge base of the student.

Adult learners need to understand that they cannot and will not always be perfect. it's ok to make mistakes.

Right you are and by knowing such you will be able to provide the needed support for success and career growth.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Sometimes hard for them to accept but you are right. Once they know they can make mistakes if they learn from them they can then proceed with the learning process.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

if a student feels that an instructor really cares about their success, the tend to do better.

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