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If you cannot develop a good student rapport, with a student. they will not get along even with other students. This must happen for the event of education.

Students learn more from someone they are comfortable with and respect.

Good point. Respect and rapport are two essential elements needed for successful student interaction.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Building rapport, builds trust; building trust creates a great learning atmosphere and experience. The learning atmosphere and experience allows the the class to gel.

Once rapport is built, students are open to discussions and insight.

This is one of the learning tools that instructors can use. Respect needs to be earned by both the instructor and students and then rapport can follow which will result in enhanced learning.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Rapport is essential in instruction, because students are more likely to listen to an instructor that they have a professional relationship with or respect deeply. Without rapport with the student, the student will be unwilling to learn and won't be an active learner or participant in the course. Establishing rapport with students also helps the instructor to determine what type of learner the student is. The student will also be more willing to ask for help if he or she needs it. Students are more vocal and open with instructors that they have good rapport with. Therefore establishing good rapport with students improves instructional methods and creates a positive learning environment.

Respect and rapport are two elements needed to build upon with students. Once you earn their respect then you can move to developing rapport with them and this is when learning really takes. A great environment for learning and career growth.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Rapport with the student is important because you want the students to have trust in you and your ability to teach. By starting off knowing their names and a little bit of their background goes a long way with the student having trust in you and helps keep them in class and completing the program.

Developing rapport opens the door to trust. Students need to feel safe and comfortable before they can relax and open themselves up to take risks that will help them find ways to express themselves and be able to make the most of academic opportunities and challenges. By taking the time to get to know your students as people, you become a person to them; someone they can trust and relate to. Developing student rapport demonstrates that you wish to create a respectful relationship.

Dr. Meers,
it not only builds their confidence in the course but also allows them to approach you with concerns and issues, whether they be professional or personal so that one may assist and encourage them.

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