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I Think the Rapport is important with regards to building the "Atmosphere of Respect" on both sides. When students are in a new setting, i.e. a new instructor & peers, it can be intimidating to ask questions. I think building that atmoshpere opens students up to asking more questions. I consistanly am able to push questions into discussions where soon more and more students are participating - due largly inpart to the fact I can make them comfortable in starting that discussion

Developing a rapport with students encourages them to come to help or ask questions. As an instructor, it is important to gain the trust and understanding of their students and create an atmosphere where students feel free from judgement and know they are able to come to the instructor for assistance.

Developing a rapport with students create a sense of trust. Trust in turn leads to a belief of understanding and concern which results in success of the student. When students and instructors establish a good rapport and have a friendly relationship it makes all aspects of the teaching environment positive and conducive for learning.

Congratulations for a job well done. You are helping all of your students, even the more withdrawn ones to feel comfortable in your class. As a result you are getting contributions to the class from everyone. This benefits every learner in the room.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Courtesy, respect and rapport are three essential components of successful teaching. They help students to become engaged in the learning process for the duration of the course.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

This is so important and so true in relation to learner success.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

i believe establishing good rapport helps the students 'buy in' to the course an their field of study.

Developing a rapport with the student helps the student to increase their confidence, which in turn will increase their motivation to study and succeed.

Developing a good rapport helps both the students and the instructor because it sets the tone for the future class.

Developing student rapport is very important as it relates to teaching and mentoring the student.
If the instructor does not talk to the student or know certain things about the student outside of the classroom the student will not feel compelled to participate in lectures and discussions

The instructor can relate to the student work experiece and background to certain topic in the discissions.

I agree. They need to see how being invested in the course is an investment in themselves.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

It really does. This is an extremely important part of retaining students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Getting to know your students develops trust and respect. Developing a rapport with the students shows that you care for them and you are there to help them succeed in their education.

Student rapport is very important because it allows the student to get that student/mentor feel and usually they preform better in their course work.

Student rapport and the results of establishing it is one of the reasons I have remained a teacher. I like having the opportunity to establish rapport with my students and then seeing them grow in their knowledge and skills.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Without establishing a rapport with a student, neither of you feel as comfortable as you should be able to be with the other person. When you have established a rapport, then it is easlier, on both sides, to meet and discuss things that aren't going so well,as well as, when things are going very well. I believe the student should feel like they can reach out to me and ask any type of question, even if it isn't what we are studying about. Obviously, that type of question would be for before or after class, but if they can feel okay asking questions that aren't part of class, they definitely will feel comfortable with asking questions about classroom material.

One of the rewards of being an instructor is the opportunity to see students grow in their career goals while developing rapport and earning their respect. These are some of the reasons why we keep coming back to the classroom day after day.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I feel having a good rapport between the student adn faculty is very important because it leads to the students to be more open/empowering as well as communication improves.

Developing student rapport is very important to have the student trust and understand their teacher. This will help the student open up and there for will retain the information better, aswell as feel "safe" in the classroom. Student Rapport for the instructor is important because we will be able to understand better where the student is coming from and be able to help them better.

To establish a rapport with my students I like to call my students by name, inquire how their hobby is going if they have one. I always use creativity and personally relevant class examples. I always arrive to class on time and stay late to tutor which allows time to also chat with my students. I always reward student comments and questions with verbal praise. I show them that I'm enthusiastic about teaching and passionate about my subject matter. I'm not a tight instructor so I've enjoyed lightening up maybe to crack a joke now and then. My students view me as humble, I always make eye contact with each student-without staring of course. Most of all I'm always repectful. This allows my students to feel confident with comming to me about any problems that they may have.

I never forget to smile!

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