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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Do's & Don't 's of Writing

Must Do :

  • Use Short Sentence.
  • Plan before you start writing
  • Put the purpose first.
  • Use Plain English that'll be easy to understand.


Must Avoid :

  • Avoid Overstating
  • Avoid Jargony words


Effective Presentations

This tutorial was helpful in that it talked about making sure to research the topic or topics you are going to be presenting and knowing key factors about the subject matter.  If a topic is too broad and has too much information, the audience tends to lose focus very quickly.  It's more important to stick to a smaller number of facts and keep the audience involved in the discussion.  I was also reminded to make eye contact, which I tend to struggle with.  Also, be prepared to answer questions and don't "fake" the answers.  If you don't have the answer,… >>>

Positive Feedback

I liked this tutorial as a good reminder to give positive feedback to students as soon as possible after they have done something well.  Also if they struggle with learning something, it's a good reminder to not put them down, but to always think of something positive to say to encourage them.  They are in a learning environment and they need constant positive reinforcement.

The Power of P

This was a great refresher that proper planning prevents poor performance.You have to continue to study to help you identify,develope, ad refine such skills in order to be a good to great presenter.I recieved quite a few nuggets!!


It is important to research your topic, prepare a draft presentation and refine as necessary.  Of course, practice.

Presentation Webinary

It is very concise, straight to the point and covers relevant information for effective presentation.

Appreciating well-written communication

Good to reinforce the importance of well-written documents!


I've always assumed that communication is communication, that if it was spoken it would be heard and understood.

I've learned that's not the case.

I plan to work and speak with others and learn with communication form is more affective, in hoping to reach more people and help them understand and allow me to learn from them as well.


I've never been the greatest at communication, but as each day passes and with a new job I've learned that communication is a necessity. 

I've learned that people are not always the same when it comes to communication and what can come across better for ones that doesn't come across well for others.

Each person is different and depending on what needs to be communicated there are certain forms of communication that work better.

being a good coach

Staying aware of problems , knowing your coworker or student in my case is one of my strenghts. Remembering that coaching is a two way process is a good reminder:)

written communication

I learned that reviewing and polishing such skills will benefit my written communications.

Always Good to Practice

This tutorial covered aspects that most people and certainly teachers should know but it gave me a chance to review and to reflect upon my own presentation skills in class. 

Good listening benefits us all.

My son accepted a restocking job at a local electronics company warehouse when he had just graduated college. He had loans to pay and figured the job would temporarily keep him financially afloat until he could find a job in his computer graphics profession. Each evening he came home with stories and conversations he had with colleagues who basically had dead end full time jobs. He had long exchanges with George, the fellow in the stall next to him. During this six month period, I watched my some become more empathetic to someone less fortunate than him. I was amazed… >>>

Nice topic

Everyone has room to improve. I just realize what one of my weaknesses are.  Thanks 

Very good topic



Clear suggestions for clarity.

Clarity in communication

Concepts of clarity are made clear in the course.


Preparation is key!

WIIFM will keep students engaged when they know that the information provided will be beneficial for them.

Be lively and enjoy what you're teaching!


Definitely listening is a skill, that requires lots of practice. As Nurses we are taught to fix problems not to facilitae conversations. We need to shift from fixing problems to being facilitaters.

Constructive Criticism

Although Criticism either Positive or Negative can be uncomfortable, it is however how we are evaluated in our performance reviews.  If done in a Professional Manner, it can be very therapeutic in the change process that needs to take place in order to do better and/or presenting the accolades for a job well done.  Either way, it is a challenge for me to be put in a spot light for others to judge or envy successes.