Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Using Tablets in the Classroom

Learning how to use Tablets and related Apps will be a challenge, but I am curious. It is important for students to be engaged, and this is one method to achieve engagement.

Active Learning

I appreciate the active learning strategies demonstrated during this course. I plan to incorporate skeleton notes, guided lectures and impromtu small group discussions during lectures. I will also begin to incorporate student dramas and brainstorming activities into class sessions.

Plenty of Tech Resources for Teachers

I was amazed at all of the tech resources available for teachers to engage their students. Whether it's using social media platforms to interact with students from around the world or simply builing a WikiClassroom for sharing updated information, there are plenty of resources to spice things up in lecture.

More multimedia

Please consider more videos. This is about technology in classrooms, right?

Let the tech roll on...

I definelty need to employ more technology in my classroom environment. This first chapter of the course has smade it abundantly clearer. (Even though I knew it already)


I have been using edmodo for my class and it has proven effective in the classroom. I post their assignments and grades in here and they are able to access their homework through here. It is accessible and acts like a social media outlet, so it entertains and helps the younger generation. 


Much knowledged was learned.

Latest technology

I've learned a great deal from this course. It was quite informative and i want to start engaging more of the technology that I've just learned.

final exam preparation

The final exam is more challenging than I have expected.


Now a days you can't get away without technology. the children and young adults today have to show us how technology works.  I let them help me get

get updated on new technology

Outside research

The students gathering information from outside sources will help them learn how to gether from scholarly resources. In other words, they will learn to gather information from one feed rather than spending unnecessary time reviewing numerous websites in search of relevant information to share with the class during group discussion. This will help with student end of course case presentation for our program  which later prepares them for reviewing research information.

online resources

I teach in a mechanical trade school and all the manuals are going digital the younger students seem fine with this but my older students struggle with the technology.

Changed my perspective

After completing module 1 of ED 119 Teaching with technology, i realized how much I have to change to teach the millenials. Its exciting and challenging

Lab Safety

The section on lab safety and how to address the student was great I plan to give the safety breifign at the beginning of each class and every time we head to lab. The best thing I can do for my studnet is to tell them at teh start of class the ruel of safety in the lab abd then after that I tell the student the rule when we are in lab. I will then instruct  the studnet while in lab on safety when issues arise.

Video Case Studies

I like to use video case studies for many of my courses.

ED 126 – Integrating Technology into Education

Great course.

Already using BlackBoard & D2L, incluidng online test grading and gradebooks. Lots of asynchronous discussion exercises and role play scnarios in use in our program.

For me, however, this course opened my eys to use of mobile technology in the class room itself. I will look into the applications that allow me to teach from my Android phone and for students to be more engaged on their own devices.

Excellent segment on "technology happens." Our class rooms are remote and often have poor, intermittant, or no cell reception or WiFi. Always have a back-up. One of my mentors… >>>

Online disscussions

Requiring students to read others posts and to post back or make a new post involes the student in a conversation that might not normally happen in a classroom setting. I think it challenges them to use critical thinking and to go deeper into the topic.


this is interactive, you can ask questions and the students answer and you can see if they are correct or not.

Tech in the classroom

I am a big fan of simulated learning within the classroom. I think that if we replace the books with ipad (type) equipment- we can save money and resources that are currently used. I also beleive that the e-learning sites can enpower the instructor to explore areas that we currently cannot. Non english speakers should be able to attain the information and ideas faster and more compleately than the current way. IE what is more important to you? A medical technician that can perform a life saving task well but cannot spell the words correctly. Or a medical technician that… >>>

Interactive learning.

I will try some of the sites listed and work to create a more interactive approach in my classes.  I have many new sites to visit and explore before trying them in my classes.  I want to make sure that the sites work.