Lisa Coble

Lisa Coble

About me


Now a days you can't get away without technology. the children and young adults today have to show us how technology works.  I let them help me get

get updated on new technology


My school has incorporated Ipads also instead of books.  They are very handy instead of carrying 20 pounds of books. Sometimes with the big books they are hard to read becasue it takes 4 swipes to ready one page.  I also use them for powerpoint presentations and test taking in class.  They also use the ipads for researching reports.  The draw back of them again is it is not a word proceesor, it does have the capablity but it is not the same.  I would like the students to get lap tops instead.

I still find that the students wait until the last minute to take a test that is online and then they beg when I turn it off to open it again. .

I hold my ground and don't turn it on.  But I have a lot of procrastinators. So time management would suit them.

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. My biggest problem that I can't get over is when things suddenly change in the work place. Like syllabi’s. I know things change, but I put my head all in for the plan I was going to do, and communicated it the day or two days before and then things change the day of without communicating it to me. It is just like saying we are going to a certain restaurant and then on the way it suddenly changes to a different restaurant. I bugs me and then I go into the classroom changing it up to the students… >>>

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This course hit very close to home.  I can connect with students with learning disablities.  Going through college was very difficult to me until I found out.

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I enjoyed this course also.  It hit very close to home with me.

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