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The mission statement being anchored in these values is important framework of an orgnaization. It not only sets the standards for employees, but also sets a great example for students. 

Understanding the "why" behind compliance is whats truly important because its ensuring there is a trustworthy, ethical motive behind what we as employees do for the company and our students.

It's important to rely on the mission and culture of compliance of your organization to help build structure whithin an organization while still maintaining trust.

I've learned that isn't simply a means to make sure we're following the rules, but it's a method to ensure the safety of those we serve and a springboard to aid them in achieving their educational goals.

Being transparent and forecoming with rules/regulations and sticking to them are important to compliance. Compliance creates an enviornment where all staff and students are understanding of the mission and goals of the school.

There's always a "why" behind each school's mission and compliance regulations. It's important to educate on the "why" because if not, it's easy to fall short of compliance and mission standards. 

Building a foundation of trust amongst peers is important as well as setting good expectations. Students and staff should be intentional about decision making because it practices creating good actions. We should not bend the rules with students because their education is the main priority.

Undertanding the company values and having similar personal values fosters an environment where teams can effectively collaborate and leagally operate the business. 

Core value is the foundation of a person or organization and when they align, great things happen. Integrity, trust, mutual respect, and maintaining the highest standards will make everyone successful. Students and teammates deserve our very best.

There are several characteristics that define a culture of compliance and that, in total, guide the relationship a school has with its students and with the community at large. Trust, Mission, Transparency, and High Standards.


It is important to make sure my core values are aligned with the institution I am employed. it is important to be transparent and forthcoming with our students and building a foundation of trust is a must. 

Following compliance ensures a consistent outcome.

Exercising integrity along with transparancy in our lives on campus AND off campus is beneficial to all. Leading by example is a must to acomplish real goals professionally and personally. 

The culture of compliance is key to having the right people in the right positions. Doing the right thing all the time helps keep you in compliance if you are always compliant then there is less chances for people to say and do the wrong things. I always read the mission statement for the company to make sure that it is aligned with what is actually going on in the school. 

Building a foundation of trust is important because it bridges the gap between confusion and understanding. Compliance is all about respect and setting forth the companies expectations.


It takes an institution/organization and those working within it to have similar values in order to create a mutual bond of trust that leads to even higher levels of unity. This is welcoming to students and allows them to thrive in a culture of compliance.

A culture of compliance is important for a teams success and to ensure that trust has been built between leadership and students. 

Students deserve an open-door policy. This build trust and promotes transparency.

Our mission goes hand in hand with the school athomsphere

Staying true to our Mission Statement ensures compiance & builds trust.

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