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Accomodations need to be tailored to the needs of the student.

I like a training that asks us to "Think Outside the Box" and "make a little noise." I feel empowered after this module to think through how I can best advocate for students seeking accommodations in a creative and personalized way. 

It's important to note that the specific steps and procedures can vary depending on the educational institution or employer and the relevant disability laws in a particular country. The goal of the accommodation process is to create an inclusive and accessible environment that allows individuals with disabilities to fully participate and succeed in educational and work settings.

Providing accurate support needs to be given on a case by case basis. Not every student with similar disabilities will benefit from the same acomodation. It is imperative you know your student and their personal needs in order for them to have the best access to success.

There is no one size fits all. That is why each accommodation must me individually reviewed and must apply to the disability. 

Accommodations help students with disabilities show off their true skills, so it is important to be mindful of the different accommodations that different students may need.

People that are deaf do not just have to have deaf friends. People that know sign language will be able to befriend them also.

Accommodations give those that need it an opportunity to be successful the same way as other students.

We have been reviewing our processes at the school for handling disability accommodation requests and I know this course will help with this effort. We offer courses online, so universal design is important to us, especially inside our learning management system.

To fulfill the obligations of ADA and 504, there are some requirements that every institution must meet. They must allow for students with disabilities to have equitable access to information and to the chance to be successful at the institution. Luckily, UD and UDL help to create equitable space for those opportunities. One cannot forget that the goal is to create an equitable learning environment to give each student a chance to be successful, not to ensure their success. This will be hard for students leaving the k-12 environment as many were "helped" along to assure the school was in compliance. As an institution, it is our responsibility to define the difference and assure access to accommodations for those students who request them. And we must remember that each individual comes with unique requirements. We cannot have a one size fits all solution. 

I realize now that fire alarms have flashing lights so the people that are hard of hearing can be alerted.   I didn't know that closed caption was now mandatory on televisions.  Now when I see a desk that is lower than the rest it is for people in wheelchairs so they are able to use them.

It was interesting to know about the ULD and its principles. Also, that it is a philosophical construct and is not mandatory requirement.

 I learned that accommodations is a law that should be followed at all times with students. I also learned that students are not forced to use their accommodations if they don't want, but it must be documented that they didn't use them. 

Every student's disability is different and accommodations must not be standardized.  What is successful for some could be detrimental to others with the same disability.

Schools need to recognize that not all disabilities are the same, and should not be treated the same.  Different accommodations may be needed for students with similar disabilities.

It is very important to give equal accommodation to the students  with disability ,equal chances of accommodation to make their life easier.  

I agree with Louis, I had never heard the term Universal Design but I have also seen Universal Designs used around me. Such as, automatic door openers.


This section provided great information regarding accommodations. Reviewing documentation is an important piece in the student's success. Making sure to extend quizzes based on the requirement in the documentation.

As an instructor having the best attitude of interest and enthusiasm to go seek appropriate professional development as by someone who has some prior knowledge of disability. Disability service providers often say that when it comes to learning how best to support students with disabilities in college, there is no technique beyond the attitude.

I learned that accommodations are specific to the disability indicated

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