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Positive Attitude

A positive attitude and culture of a school goes a long way with, faculty, staff, and students.


What are some of the specific ways people at your campus demonstrate a positive attitude?

Jeffrey Schillinger

Faculty and Staff should always maintain a positive attitude when assisting students

By taking time to sit down with the students if their not understanding their financial aid and homework. If we as employees have positive attitudes and show that we care about their education, I feel the students will be positive and happy as well.

Actively participating in meeting, providing positive constructive feedback, supporting the overall direction of the campus and taking ownership of process that require improvement.

Actively being a part of the student activities on campus and openly displaying that positive attitude with students. Actions speak louder than words...


People believe what you say after they see what you do. You make a great point here.

Jeffrey Schillinger


What are a few things you do to help your students learn to take ownership of their education and success?

Jeffrey Schillinger

is to come in the classroom with a positive attitude in the morning or afternoon classes starting off by saying good morning students!Having a cheerful attitude about your job makes the students feel like you as the instructor cares about their education and learning.


In addition to a pleasant greeting and a smile, what are some other ways teachers can demonstrate a positive attitude?

Jeffrey Schillinger

I think one of the biggest ways a facility can demonstrate a positive attitude is through showing appreciation to all the staff.. Set a special day to send thanks.. It doesn't have to be major just something.


Little things can mean a lot.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Yes, and I also tell my students at least twice a week that "attitude is everything, pick a good one" author unknown.

Providing positive, constructive feedback to the students. Making time available to tutor/one on one if necessary. Offering study sessions if time permits. Incorporating the different learning styles.

They always smile and say hello when passing in the halls

I remember years ago in Drivers Ed, we learned that if you stare at something alongside the road you will subconsciously start steering towards it. I think the same can be said regarding our attitude. Whether it's positive or negative, we will subconsciously drive in that direction.

If we make the conscious decision to have a positive attitude, then again we will start to veer in that direction. And that is most certainly a win-win proposition!

It's important to change a student's complaint or negativeism into positive light or into an opportunity.

It certainly is a win-win proposition, Kenneth.

A positive attitude and culture of a school goes a long way with, faculty, staff, and students.

A positive attitude starts with one person, me. Negative people bring people down, and if that true, then positive people bring people up. We tend to worry about things that may never happen, and this can influence the situation that has not happened in a worse way. So, positive faculty and staff can help motivate students to be positive. As well as, bad things happen to good people, and if you let these things change your positive attitude, what are you saying to students who are watching you.

First thing on a Monday morning, I enter the classroom with a smile. I ask how their weekend was as well as last weeks clinical rotation went. It starts the week off on a positve note as one or more excitedly tell what they saw or did in the clinical site. Although I keep it brief, I also show interest, ask how they felt. Since the subject I teach is one I enjoy and am knowledgable and share many stories to help them visualize procedures, etc. My enthusiasm actually keeps them interested. My positve attitude is evident and students enjoy my teaching and sharing.

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