angela king

angela king

About me


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i try not to let stress take over my body. i beleive by taking a walk ,exercise, eating right can effect your mood swing in alot of ways. effectiveness occurs when you let it get to you. allow yourself to have time by yourself as an indiviual. it works. take a vacation. relax.

I really enjoyed the knowledge that you can learn and gain in doing maxknowledge courses. As acosmetology instructor my job is to prepare and teach my students the proper way to take care of clients teaching them the dos and don'ts in the salon. Letting them know that i own my own salon and that one day they will get there too. taking the course ed-112 gave me the knowledge of influencing student motivation.

I Really enjoyed my training course. It taught me to go above and beyound with my students career to get them headed in the right direction. As ateacher it is my duty to encourage  my students to have goals and strive for the best!


I learned that being a good instructor requires alot of work, patients, commitement, and most all being true to youself and using your management skills towards the classroom itself. Making sure your students enjoy the career that they have choosen and putting students on the right path to be successful. In doing the classes that i have recently taken. It has made me a more knowlegeable instructor to help enhance my teaching skills.





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