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Learn To Teach

To help students become motivated in their learning and educational experience we need to assure ourselves first that every individual within the entity of an institution inspire and motivate our students not to just listen to a lesson or orientation but to be a participant as well. We need to make sure we are teaching with the aspiration that not all students have the same learning style's and that we focus on all types of learning styles and abilities for student retention and success in their chosen career's.That in turn determines success and goal setting, along with retention.

Hi Stacey
Yes I have agree with you but you don't learn to become teacher, teaching come from your heart you want to share your knowledge to other, you want to show your enthusiasm, motivation and arability to your student, this is retention.
Eric Andre

There is something to be said for learning how to teach. Many of us are great content experts on our areas of assigned curriculum, but translating our knowledge into classroom presentations is difficult if you've never done it before.


Good point! What does your school do to help you and your peers develop teaching skills?

Jeffrey Schillinger

I agree totally. You can be the most knowledgeable in your field and have all the drive to want to teach. But if you are not good in delivery, you need to learn. If you are long winded and put people to sleep, you lose. If you know it but cant show it , you lose. I do believe that it is inside those of us who teach, a natural ability to an extent. but just like our students, we need to learn ourselves to be concise, engaging, informative and stimulating. I wish my bio teacher was like this. He was brilliant, but his teaching methods where horrible because he thought his brilliance in his discipline made him a good teacher. Consequentially, if you didn't get it, you were not a good student , you were lazy or dumb or whatever excuse he could give to make up for his own inability to teach. This is common among many of those I have met, and they don't last long in my world and shouldn't.

In career-focused colleges, the need for subject matter experts often overshadows the need for effective instruction. It's not enough to know the information, one must be able to connect with their audience and know whether or not they "get it." How can one topic be presented several ways to reach each and every learner effectively? A large part of effective instruction is knowing the students as well as the materials.


You have identified a major challenge for all colleges. Faculty mebers have to know their stuff, but they often have to be trained to be effective instructors. Our school has put a lot of resources into faculty development.

Jeffrey Schillinger

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