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retention in in everyone ones hands from start to finish.

Retention is also up to the instuctor to find out why a student may want to leave your program and see what you can do to help keep him at the school.

The instructor does carry a heavy amount of the weight for retention. It is important for instructors to build a rapport with the student without becoming intrusive or too close to them.

Agree with you, support , communication and on top motivation especially with the insecure one.
Make them understand also the dfference between an ok job and a great job .

I believe if benchmarks are explained to the student then they will understand or at least learn what the difference is between a "ok job and a great job".
Thanks for the comment.

Yes. Link all staff and administation to the process. This helps to build relationships that equate to trust. And trust, equals retention.


It may be addmissions job to enroll the student ,but everyone has to participate to help make the process complete . When i first started here i was impressed by how heppy everyone seemed to be and how it had such a postive affect on the students . I let my students know that i want them to suceed and i hope that motivates them.I engoy what i do and i want them to enjoy what their are learning.

You are right. Retention is the business of all staff and faculty. Good, tell them that you want them to succeed. This sets a frame of mind that makes a difference and always link your success thoughts to future careers.

Dr. B

This only works for the students that what to learn and trust what we (as instructors)are teaching them, but how do we (as instructors)retain students that miss too much class time, basically they are failing due to their attendance??

Yes, attendance is merely a signal that something is wrong. They may not understand what is being taught and become frustrated... Or life is getting in the way. Just a thougth.

Dr. B

I believe the entire school is responsible for retaining students. I like to invite potential students into my classroom when I notice them on a tour. It is a great time for them to ask an instructor questions about the program, and a great way for an instructor to ask the potential student some questions. It is a good ice-breaker, and helps them realize we care about their education.

I too agree that the entire school is responsible for retaining students. I think that it's great that you invite potential students into your classroom. Not only does this offer them the chance to ask questions of an instructor, but this will also give them a great opportunity to see what the class format is like and give them a better perception of what going to school is all about.

I strongly agree that it is the responsibility of the entire school to retain a student. So many students comment on the friendly,helpful atmosphere of the school. They need to feel the "we are here to help" attitude wherever they go in the school - whether it is the Financial Aid Office,Business Office, Academics or the Bookstore.

I agree being involved with the students on a day to day basis you get to discover their level of commitment to the program and their education. Having a interest in them and their goals keeps them more focused and contributes to their retention

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