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It takes each and every person in an organization to make orientation successful. Students have to have all of the information on the school, the instructors and the course to be successful.

We all have to be a part.

Asbolutely! A good orientation leads to better retention and it needs to involve EVERYONE!

I agree, we invovle faculty members, staff and student mentors in oder to facilitate a smooth transition between enrollment and attendance. we also have ice breaker exercises that help the students interact and get to know eaach other.

This is very true. An all out bombardment of information and representatives is needed to give furture students the most accurate picture of what they can expect from the school and its program.

we have people from different departments come and talk to students so they can get a better idea of what is going to happen during school.

Everyone at our University is involved with Orientation. We have departmental breakout sessions so students can learn more about classes, activities and expectations within the department. Faculty are present meet the new students and to answer questions.

We're a partof the orientation process all the way thru to graduation. Even if your not involved in the original process, as an instructor that see's the student on a daily basis your part of it!!

With all the tension and unknown a student faces when entering a school further reinforces the need for different departments for resources and information. So many times students think everything is handle in the classroom and don't realize the classroom is a small part of the process. Often times, students will not ask for resources or rely on another student's word which may not be exactly correct and could further damage his/her needs.
Orientation is the foundation for a begining student.


Excellent observation about factors outside the classroom. Does your institution do anything in particular to help students become aware of these and to find resources as needed?


I does take each department to make orientation effective.

It does help to know with whom you are going to be with as far as who is teaching what course but at the same time you may get not get the real information on the instructor, so I fell that each student should start the class with an open mind and not go off what others my think about an instructor, as far as get all the information about the school that should have been done before that student get to school to make sure it's what he or she is realy looking for. Orientation to me is about the courses and what they cover as well and any information about where and when class are to be held or any other of intrest groups that they be looking for that may help the student to be succesfull.

Orientation is very important to have representatives from all the departments to introduce and talk with the students. This make them feel more comfortable and less anxious about the first day of class. At our Orientation, we also have students from our campus club to take students around to the different departments. this gives the new students an opportunity to connect with active students and ask questions that they may not feel comfortable in asking a staff.

Our institution has the student club do all the tours to new students. On the first day of class students already get to know a current student and sense a connection

What kind of ice breaker exercises do you use for orientation?

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