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Motivating employees is important and I think the true benefit of the elimination of "safe harbors" is the renewed importance of hiring employees that have the interest of the students in mind far more than their own compensation. You have to be motivated by the thought of helping students obtain their goals and objectives, this is what should have brought us into this industry. Motivation is merely reiterating how we can help our students and why we are helping them. I know personally that seeing a student graduate is the most satisfying feeling of accomplishment and motivator for me.

Create a positive working environment where employees feel valued and recognized. Understand the individual and find compliant motivators. Hire people who are motivated to help others and make a difference.


Education is built on a the foundation of helping others achieve their goal. Teachers have always been inherently motivated by the success of their students.

Cindy Bryant

Managers should administer monthly activities for the employees to show their appreciate for their service. For example, every month we have a employee appreciation day where we give out food and allow the employees to get free services from the students.

The training I recieved had me motivated and excited. The positive feedback I recieved back from the instructors made me even more motivated.


It sounds as if you are motivated intrinsically. According to the Cognitive Evaluation Theory there are actually two motivation systems: intrinsic and extrinsic that correspond to two kinds of motivators:

intrinsic motivators: Achievement, responsibility and competence. motivators that come from the actual performance of the task or job -- the intrinsic interest of the work.
extrinsic: pay, promotion, feedback, working conditions -- things that come from a person's environment, controlled by others.
One or the other of these may be a more powerful motivator for a given individual.

Intrinsically motivated individuals perform for their own achievement and satisfaction. If they come to believe that they are doing some job because of the pay or the working conditions or some other extrinsic reason, they begin to lose motivation.

The belief is that the presence of powerful extrinsic motivators can actually reduce a person's intrinsic motivation, particularly if the extrinsic motivators are perceived by the person to be controlled by people. In other words, a boss who is always dangling this reward or that stick will turn off the intrinsically motivated people.

These are good tips for a manager to be aware of to encourage their team.
Cindy Bryant

Managers can and must motivate their employees on a daily basis throught these channels

recognition for a goo days work
Praise for going over the required number of enrollments for the week
Praise for coming in early and staying late to take care of a prospective student.
Weekly motivational team meetings j


You mentioned coming into work early and staying late, which is above above and beyond the call of duty. These character traits deserve recognition.

Cindy Bryant

Now that more rules on compliance have been developed. the best one can do is push your employees but praise them for all the good work they do.

Employees typically do not leave companies; they leave managers. Institutions can provide training to managers to understand what motivates employees and provide non-monetary incentives unique to that individual. Things such as training, team meetings, individual one-on-ones, career development, flex time, building relationships within the team members, job rotation and/or enrichment might be a few non-monetary incentives. Also training managers on providing servant leadership environments.

Positive feedback and recognition are the ways that our organization motivates employees.

There are some simple ways to motivate people in a leadership role. As simple as verbal or written recognition can go a long way and being specific around what behaviors we are praising to encourage the repeat of those behaviors. Keeping a focus on the student and why we exist as an institution can be encouraged through daily activities and student conversations. Look for those positive behaviors and praise immediately. People will start to notice what you are recognizing and want to be a part of that crowd.

That's exactly what happens at the school that we work for. Admissions is a very hard and emotonal position so little this like great job goes a long way


Being recognized for a job well done is a strong motivator. People strive for respect and recognition.

Cindy Bryant


Thank you for joining the forum. One of my most cherished career "rewards" is a personal note that was handwritten by the CEO of the company. A few words go a long way. :)

Cindy Bryant

This is what we also do at my school. It helps recognize everyone for their hard work in a tough industry.

Focus on the idea of doing what is BEST for the student. Knowing that you helped a student's future even if they did not enroll. Creating a positive place when a "Way to go" goes a long way!!

My best motivation is attending graduation and seeing my student become successful in their future endeavors and succeed in life knowing I had a little part in their success.


Graduation celebrations are a great way to bring faculty and staff together and spotlight the supportive efforts of everyone in association with the college.

Cindy Bryant

We meet every other Friday and we to as a team make it very motivational. We provide breakfast and then a nice lunch for all staff. We Try to make all staff feel special for that.

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