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Which of the social networking tools made it easier to link the president in four steps, linkedIn or facebook?


This is such a great way to make social networking real; and it is real!

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

When I think of six degrees of separation applied to social networking, I think of access to resources that we otherwise may not know about and the ability to network for business and personal purposes. As an example, I have met many new people through LinkedIn, one even providing an unsolicited job offer.

Again, using LinkedIn as an example, students who interact with me can learn not about specific classroom activities, but about many available resources - trade groups, associations, learning circles, etc.


Great posting. I have engaged in research with people I have never seen in person. That is the beauty and the caution of the social media.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

I believe that the 'six degrees of separation' concept when it comes to social media means that you can make great contacts because someone you know could simply link you to someone else. The concept also relates to the term "it's a small world after all". As Dennis stated, it does shrink the size of the planet, and the internet provides the ability for people to meet others with similar views from anywhere around the world.

What society and students need to be very aware of when on social media websites is that 'the world is watching'. It is imperative to be careful and 'think twice before posting'. Society must always remember when posting that many people could see what you are saying and that sometimes pictures or words can be misconstrued.

Social media can provide excellent networking ability to find contacts and job sources. Many colleagues use "LinkedIn" as there job contact website and have found jobs through the use of that social media website.

Patrice Nybro


I agree with you. I was listening to a radio show today about a family member who had found "porno" information about a daughter-in-law that was over 10 years old and had showed it to the rest of the family. Just think what could happen in the workplace. Students need to be aware. . .

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Wow, what a story! You are so right that students need to be aware of what they post on a social media website. It is very important for students to realize that what they type is recorded, and can take on a bad tone. When speaking to another in person, there is a conversation between two people, and there is understanding of the tone. In typed messages that is lacking, and some posts may sound harsher than they are meant to be. As your story proves, these emails and posts can last forever!

I once had a dad send me an email which referred to our 3rd grade daughters in a talent show. The email sounded very mean. Years later, his ex-wife was fighting for custody and used the email as proof of his overbearing demeanor. Boy, I didn't want to get involved!

Thanks again for the response,

Patrice Nybro


WOW, you have such an important story to tell. I always tell students don't ever put in an email that you don't want seen on a billboard on the side of the road. Your story definitely proves that!

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Wow, that is something to find! I with that girl the best! Thanks for the response!

Hi all,

Basically this concept implies that although we may not personally know a specific individual, through the contacts we know and the use of social networking, we are able to connect with and reach out to many, many individuals whom we otherwise might have not had access to with out this medium.


Great way of explaining social networking. It is also a way to reach out to individuals in different ways using different types of social media. There are so many.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


From my understanding, it means that every human online is somehow connected to another human online through at least five separate connections (not including the original connector). This simply means that at some point whatever we post may be reviewed by someone to whom someone we never thought we would be connected.

- Doc Wibbeke

My research states six degrees of separation is a term to express the phenomenon that everyone is connected to everyone in some way. With the invention of the On-line, the explosion of social media gives us the ability to connect with other people all over the nation and globally. It takes less than six steps to contact, connect or reach out to some one using various method of social media.

At some point we are connected to someone who knows someone who knows us. Even though people believe they are only linked to their "friend" list they are not because the circle grows as you connect to more people. Many times I have connected to someone on a site only to find we have friends in common already.

LinkedIn does a terrific job of even showing you degrees of separation.


I like your post. Have you played the game six degrees of separation? That is our lives. I tell students daily be careful, this is a small world thanks to social media.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


I agree with you. Haven't you been surprised how many people have common connections with you? It is a lesson our students need to learn.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


Linkedin is becoming such an important tool for the professional. We have to educate our students how to use it properly and to use it!

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Hi, I find using these types of tools in the classroom, helps keep my students more engaged (well, I seem to think so). I am always looking for new ways to create a buzz/excitement in my class.

-Matthew Schwartz


True, you would do that in f2f also! There is nothing wrong with a change in learning. . . .

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Hello Professor

In some respects, when you use social networking, what you post can potentially reach so many people that you never knew you would be connected to. An example is with my husband's business. He has a Facebook account for his new business. I had a friend who heard about his new business from someone that I do not even know. The news went full circle and she called me asking me why I did not tell her about his new business!

Samantha cArlo

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