Austin Umezurike

Austin Umezurike

About me


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Online content should have questions that cover the learning objectives for the unit. Comprehensive answers to the unit question would help gauge the student's understanding of course material.
In addition to wearing several hats, how do we as instructors gain students trust for them to feel free to ask questions and make their concerns known?
Synchronous learning should supplement the asynchronous learning approach. However, most students do not like attending synchronous sessions such as chat sessions and office hours. How would you handle such scenario?
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Which learning management system do you consider most popular and valuable? I understand that some schools have customized systems but Blackboard appears to be the industry gold standard. Do you agree? Why or why not.
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Chat sessions appear to provide avenue for student and faculty interaction and to reduce e-mail traffic. However, most students do not bother attending the chat sessions. How could this medium be used for effective communication given the perceived short coming.
I create a technology tea room forum for students to ask any question or post material related to the course
How do we insure that industry experts students follow on twitter blog on topics relevant to the students career growth?
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In online classroom, it would be necessary to link names with faces of students and professor. Would you recommend use of google docs or other media sites for uploading personal photos?
How can our students use social networking to make necessary contacts that will help them gain employment?
How do we insure that online courses provide measurable objectives and framework for authentic assessment?

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