Dynamic syllabus updates during a current session?
The statement that was suggested to place on the syllabus: "This dynamic syllabus is updated and expanded with greater detail as each module is made available. Please check the dynamic syllabus often to stay current with all updates."
This statement suggests that changes can be made during a current course.
My understanding is that a syllabus should not be modified during a current course session but can be modified, revised, or updated for the next session. These modifications are based on new evidence as well as feedback from faculty and students.
Can changes to a syllabus be made during a current session of a course?
Thank you in advance -
I sometimes have to revise a syllabus during a course for minor revisions such as modifying 'due dates' of assignments because of technical issues the students may be experiencing. I do not modify any of the main content as I have worked that out prior to the course.