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Online Student Motivators

Some ways for instructors to motivate online students may be to offer more interesting problems or puzzles to solve such as mind-mapping using inspiration, concept mapping, treasure map hunts, and so on with additional grade points offered as an added incentive to the highly intelligent student. Also, to motivate the highly exhausted full-time working student by adding humor to the discussion forums in order to brighten their spirits. Instructors can show they care for the success of the entire class by offering positive reinforcement whenever possible, showing patience, and offering the most help available while the students adapt to the online format and teaching style.

Hi Marcey! Thanks for providing outstanding suggestions! I hope that our other participants will have the opportunity to read your post.


Humor is always a valuable tool in teaching. I teach 8th graders, and they never know what I'm going to say or do next. They tell me (sometimes at the end of the year, sometimes during, sometimes years later) that they looked forward to coming to my class. Injecting personality into whatever you do is always helpful. That's very true in teaching as well.

I agree that you need to engage the student on more than one level and including humor can do this for some students. What ways do you find are effective at 'injecting personality' when teaching an online course?

I agree with your comments overall Mark, I would just add the word "appropriate" in front of the word humor. You need to make sure you don't offend your learners with your brand of humor.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

This is the challenge with using humor in an online classroom--making sure your humor is coming across as humor. In addition, you want to be very careful not to offend anyone. So, stay away from inappropraite jokes--of course, I would say that to residential instructors as well.

When I am trying to communicate my humor, I usually put a smile face after it :-) to show that I am trying to be funny. In addition, I usually don't use humor until I know the students pretty well.

Do you have other suggestions Kyle?

I find that posting reminders to participate in the discussion forum to be helpful in getting students to participate. I think that responding to most, if not all, initial student postings can help stimulate and encourage participation as well. Students tend to appreciate the instructor's feedback on their posts, and want to continue to get recognized for their contribution to the class.

April Raines

I agree April! Students always appreciate the periodic pat on the back and it doesn't hurt to let them know that you are reading everything they are writing.

Thanks for the comments April

I think that one can inject personality by telling the students things that have happened to you or how you reacted in certain situations. Always make sure that the story you are telling is directly related to the subject matter at hand.

It is a great idea to motivate students with positive reinforcement. The fact that we as instructors have a variety of tools at our disposal can aid in providing success for others. After being committed to other fulltime commitments, it can be challenging to attend class. Motivation will be an inspiration that fuel that energy and recall why they initially came back to school. Students work hard, play hard and want to excel in their school work. By having dedicated instructors that have experienced what the students are going through, family, work and life it will be a living testimony that one can succeed in the midst of life events and challenges. Through our failures and successes along with other sources to support our statements, they will know its better to hang in there and finish what they start.

Sharing your experiences as a student is a great way to inspire your students and help them realize that they too can accomplish their goals.

All great suggestions Marcey. I have taught for 4 different online universities and none of them has allowed extra credit or points. I would also add some caution when using humor. The diversity of most classes often makes it impossible to predict who is going to see what as humorous, though emoticons do help. Of everything you mentioned, I would stress patience. This is critical during those first couple of online courses as students struggle with going back to school, technology, and the online environment.

Patience is very important Ken--whether teaching online or residentially. Thanks for your comments.

I especially pick up on your reference to adding humor! Time after time, students have commented with wonder that chats are "fun." The implication is that "fun" is the very last thing expected to emerge from a chat. But with a little bit of humor, time flies and people do indeed have fun. They are also learning (!), whether they know it or not!!

I have to agree. As an online student myself, I love when, mid-week, the instructor posts a comment, reply or inquiry to my forum post. It can be very informative and insightful, and usually helps me interject more depth into the topic.
It is very rewarding on a motivational level to be acknowledged for work that is completed, and that the instructor cares enough about the students and the subject matter to read the material. I look forward to engaging in those forums that have active instructor feedback, and enjoy reading the feedback they give the other students as well.

I also think that it is important for to respond to as many students as you can for the very reason you described Gina. It let's students know that you care about their success and that you are listening to what they have to say. Thanks for your comment Gina.

I agree, especially about the humor. A student needs to at least feel like he/she is actually in class, and if you inject humor, a student will feel that interaction, even though the student is alone and in front of the computer screen.

Yes, humor can be a great way to improve student interaction--for online and residential courses! Thanks for your comment James.

You are right. Instructors have a challenge when dealing with online students. Communication is crucial. We have to encourage the students to utilize spell checks and grammar checks as well as the other services like writing center and turnitin. One of the most important things we have to do is give motivation as well as criticism in a way not to deplete their spirit or confidence but encourage them that they are on the right track and doing well.

II agree also by an instructor offering a personal experience can help motivate a student as well.


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