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Students must know what is required of them for the course, communication is the key to all the components in effective pattern of teaching.

i believe that the delivery and the learning outcomes are the most important pattern of teaching...

when you set a pattern of teaching the most important are the goals we should achieve during the course and learning outcomes, I think these two things we can evaluate the success of our work

I believe ther most important things to consider are the ease of acess to the information and feedback .

I believe the two most important aspects of establishing a pattern of teaching is to make sure that there is a good organization of the content and to have a question/answer discussion board to allow students to ask questions regarding the content and the assignments.

The two most important patterns in teaching are content delivery and question and answers. If I did my job correctly I will not have tons of questions. The student will feel confident and confortable with the new task. They will be able to complete the task with little or no help. This will prove they have a great understanding of a topics and can master the subject. In reality, I think it all stems from proper communication. After all, communication is the key to success in business. Without communication there would never be a college or business that was successful.

The two most important things to consider when establishing a pattern of teaching are communication and learning outcomes. Helps students understand course requirements and their practical application to be successful in their work.

The two most important things to consider are; who are your students; personal introductions based on specific questions such the qualities of your previous school experience and my knowlege of the material being taught so that I can adjust my patterns as necessary.

interations from students and teachers is very important and the instructors respnonce is important

So the two most important things are communication? What other item would you think as important?

I believe it is essential the instructor establishes a pattern of expectations as to the lines of communication and the method of identifying the requirements of the task.

The students must have confidence as to the means of communicating within the course. This is to include interaction with the instructor and their peers. There needs to be more than one line of communication established to meet the students needs but specific methods should be established for the different aspects for an online environment.

Establishing a pattern for distributing the requirements for a task gives the student increased confidence going into their assignments. I like to use the task list or syllabus as a means to present the requirements initially, I then expand on this in live chats and in presentations of the exercises. I have students who come to the chats with an idea of what will be required and then we work together to get a more complete picture of the requirements.

You make a really good point about student confidence. You must be consistent in your teaching pattern or student confidence can be shattered.

In establishing a pattern of teaching, I believe the most important things to consider are the syllabus and Learning Strategy

1. Communication
2. Establishing course objectives

Agree - how you communicate with your audience is how they understand and relate to what you need to teach.

How do you establish a learning strategy?

How do you use communication?

The four main ways I use communication:
1. to establish objectives for the class
2. to facilitate learning
3. to show appreciation and or approval
4. to communicate constructive feedback

So, it that part of establishing a teaching pattern, how does communication fit in the pattern?

When establishing a pattern of teahing it is important to be clear in you'r expectations, and to stick to you'r program.

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