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I think that student needs, course content, and learning objectives are probably the three most important things to consider.

1. I believe the use of technology in virtual environments should be interactive and user friendly.

2. It should be secure and free of spam and advertisements with no possibility for hacking.

3. It should be accessible from any place that has Internet connection at all times.

The capability of the tool, the support to the teacher and student and how it supports the learning objectives. Any tool must have the capability to support the type of lesson or learning For instance a wiki doesn't support posting assignments but does provide a way to post thoughts and ideas. If the teacher is directive, a declaratory tool doesn't support he methods of instruction. An instructor should never use a tool just because it is there. It has to support reaching the learning objectives and outcomes.

The three things I think are most important are:
1 - Does the use of technology enhance the learning experience?
2 - Will the techno-challenged student have an alternative option for gaining the same knowledge?
3 - Does it take longer to open the techno message than it would to read the sentence?

I have often found myself reading emails where the sender loves technology and inserts links or images that take longer to open than the message warranted. I think it's very important that we don't overuse the technology, just because it's 'cool'. If the student can't figure out how to access the message, you will frustrate them in the learning journey. Use of technology is great, but it's important to keep it in balance, in my opinion.

Melissa Caperton

This is such a great question. I have the opportunity to deal with this type of thing in my full-time appointment as well as my teaching career. The three most important things to me are:
1. Access to technology - if the students don't have access to the tools you're trying to use, then you are wasting your time.
2. Ease-of-use - if the technology you are using is difficult to use then use of that technology Will be very low.
3. Audience - if you don't understand your audience, you were going to struggle to get people to use the technology.

Whether using technology in a virtual learning or more traditional in-class environment, a person needs to consider the learning objective, the student and instructor. The choice to use technology and especially the correct technology to achieve the learning outcomes is critical. It has to make sense to the students otherwise it can be counterproductive to the learning process. I have seen instructors try to use various technologies in the classroom and because they did not fully understand the technology involved, it actually caused more confusion than clarity. When used properly, technology can achieve wonderful results in engaging students with the course material.

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