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The three most important things to consider when using technology in a virtual learning environment includes:

1) What you are teaching and the students learning styles.

2) What technology is the most effective for delivering the information (i.e., blogs, wiki, teaching platforms, etc.)

3) The best programs available in terms of effectiveness and ease of use to administer the tools in No. 2 above.

First and foremost, it is crucial to not adopt the more is better approach. Many LMS systems offer so many options to interact with students and provide tools for learning. However, as with anything that is new, a student can be overwhelmed with having to use too many tools, especially if the choice in using that tool is not purposeful and is not needed for a specific learning outcome.
Once the needed tools have been identified, I believe that providing training on how to use these tools (customer support) and testing the functionality of the tools is critical, as sometimes technology does not always function the way we intended it to when we adopted a particular tool/system.


True! It is so important that the technology match the content and delivery. Good post.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


You make such an important point about more is not always better. You make another good point regarding adopting tools for a system. It must be viewed through the eyes of the student as well as the instructor. Great post.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

The three most important things to consider in utilizing technology tools in a virtual environment should be: exploring and familiarizing yourself with all of the features, evaluate how to effectively utilize them in the online classroom, and provide support to students in applying the tools into the course curriculum. This will provide effective usage of technology tools in a virtual learning environment for both student and facilitator.

Assessment is key to developing a LMS. Does the LMS allow you to access the outcome of the course objective? That is a critical question that must be answered.


Great post. You are right, we as educators have to be familiar with the technology. We don't have to be experts but we can't seem incompetent.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Ronnie ,
True, it is so important that the LMS can collect the data and you can use the data. It also should be reasonably easy to use the data and to export it. That can be problematic.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Three important things I would consider in using technology tools in a virtual learning environment include ease of use, relevance, and longevity. I would want to be sure it was easy enough for the students to use otherwise it would be a wasted tool. I would want it to be relevant to the course outcomes. I would also want to make sure it was sustainable so I wouldn't constantly have the students learning new tools.

M Boddy


You make a great point about longevity. It is so important to think about that. You and the students spend so much time in a technology it is frustrating for both when you have to change. Great post.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

The three things I consider when implementing technology into the online classroom is: 1. Is the technology effective in meeting the course objectives?; 2. Is the technology user friendly for the student and the facilitator; and 3. Is the technology helpful in capturing different learning styles?

Jon Hager

We have a great tool that helps with managing data and that is MS Access. It is s great data management tool, and can be exported with some level of ease. Unfortuniately, not many people are trainined to use the application.


Great post. You are right on all three considerations. It has to meet the needs and objectives of the course and the learners.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Ronnie ,

you are right. You also make a great point, many universities have tools but do not think about the need for training. So we pay for tools that we don't use properly.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

I feel the most important aspect is to make sure the instructor is familiar with the technology. If the instructor is not comfortable with the software they are not able to help the student as much as they may need.

The second important is to be sure it meets the student's needs. Is the software going to help or hinder the student's progress?

The third is to be sure it meets the instructor's needs as well. Can the instructor accomplish the goals that are needed using the software?

Software can be a difficult item to learn for some students. I have been surprised since I have started teaching online how many students have started the online courses that are not familiar at all with computers. In this essence the instructor needs to shift gears and help students understand the software. This is when voice over PowerPoint can help as well as screen capture.
Kim Christensen


I agree with you. You need to make sure that the faculty does have some knowledge of technology. It is surprising to see students of a certain age that do not know the technology. Good post!

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

When using technology tools, I consider how the tool will be used with my “various” teaching styles (this depends on the students). I teach several courses and sometimes have I have students from previous classes. I’ve learned that student’s style of learning. I’ve realized that “this” didn’t work for the student in my previous course, so I need to reorganize/redesign. So, I need the tool to be able to change with me. Another important thing to consider is if the tool is easy to use, for me and for the student to use. If the tool is not user friendly, then the student will become frustrated spending more time trying to master the tool and not actively learning course outcomes. Lastly, I want the tool to serve as many purposes as possible and not have an upgrade in 3 months! I know not one can be used for everything, but the more I can do with it, the better. I like multifunctional tools/gadgets.


I am with you! I do like to use a multifunctional tool so students have some comfort level of the tool. I agree that it is important for upgrades but make it worth it! Great post.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

When using technology tool in a virtual the three most important things to consider would be:
-Does the tool aid in the learning process for the student.
-Does the tool assist in other avenues on how the students retains the information for the topic.
-Will the tool be useful to all who use it, and can it be used with eased by the user.


You make a great point about helping the student retain the information. This is so important.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

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