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paper or digital

Which type of test seems to be the most effective -- paper or digitally based and why?


I personally believe it isn't so much in the delivery method but the design of the test. As much as I embrace technology, I give paper-based quizzed through out the term in addition to projects delivered in a digital format.

Wishing you continued success in the classroom.

Theresa Schmitt

digital is always better, less accumulation of paper.

I prefer a digital test because I can reuse it time after time with minor changes and I don't have to grade it.

Digital is my choice for the following reasons: convenience of preparing, administering, grading, and tracking exams. Students are more attentive and engaged while testing.

I still give paper exams. With music tests, students in most cases are having to draw notes and rhythms on a staff. I really haven't run into any digital means that can really allow a student to execute this, as well as show that they truly understand. Though apps and websites have aided in learning music, still haven't seen a really good digital means of testing. Maybe I should come up with a way?

There are many advantages to working with digital media. The first thing is the ability to search the media and locating what you're looking for easily and quickly. In addition, you can access digital media stored on a cloud from any location with Internet access. This adds the benefit of ease of portability. For digital material that are being created, edits, updates, and changes are obviously much easier. Of course, all these advantages assumes that technical issues of any type are non-threatening or insignificant in frequency of occurrence. Finally, digital media can be stored and backed up in multiple locations for fast reproduction in case of disasters, fires, etc. Instructors can create a master digitally-based document and over time make necessary changes to accommodate their changing needs in different courses, or to target different audiences.

I tend to prefer the digital. After taking both myself, I enjoy that I can get immediate feedback. The accuracy of grading is held with digital. There are many times when the scantron didn't pick up a particular answer or didn't acknowledge an erase mark.

I mix the formats using online tests and written quiz. For my materials on line produces less anxiety im my students, while I can taylor a quiz for weak areas to fit the dynamics of an ever changing student population.

Right now, I use paper tests graded by scantron, but the use of digital tests does seem like it would have its advantages

As I am progressing through this course, I see the value of digital testing. I appreciate the immediate feedback with explanations. I find this very valuable and encouraging.
Students seem to like a mixture. Our college requests student completed tests and exams to be placed in student paper files.

I agree, the immediate response for grading and the ease of file storage are great.

This is my first time taking a course online. I found very easy and practical. I will incorporate this in my classroom.

I agree, there is a place for both types of tests online and written. I use only test to give my students experience in working online. I also give paper test, to insure that my students get practice in working with paper.

I have utilized both types. The joy of using digital is that it saves you on the grading, however it may not be as accurate as manual and paper based testing. Plus there are many glitches that I have found using digital testing. Just my opinion.

There is a place for both paper and digital. It does not actually matter as long as both provide timely and reliable information that is used to guide and modify instruction and learning.

I agree. I've had so much trouble with the software used to create quizzes and assessments. It's a headache. That's why I've stuck to paper quizzes. They're just easier to handle.

Yeah, I agree. Digital seems like it would be great, but it does create some more work and more problems.

My students seem to like the online quizzes. The Millenial students think of paper and pen tests as the "dark ages".
That said, I will continue to utilize both.

As a college student I like digital test because for me online courses work best. At the school where I work they use paper exams which can be very time consuming for me because I have to audit the final exams that were graded by our instructors. Other programs at our school use paper but use the scantron form so it is not so bad. For me it really doesn't matter but I have noticed I do better with digital exams then paper.

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