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Managing emotions --
Also, if a student doesn't have a basic work ethic - it is very difficult to teach it.

I often find it most difficult to impress upon students the importance of managing emotions. Many of my students have not had positive role models to teach them how to handle any type of unpleasant situation without reacting in an unaccaptable way. And since they can't manage emotions, it's more difficult for them to handle criticism, so it can be even more challenging to make them understand that an improvement is needed.

I agree completely. Today's students seem to think that excuses will exonerate them from personal responsibility. Everyone has problems at some time or another but the job is not going to wait or understand unending excuses.

Refocusing students on the task instead of the excuse might be a good way to help them to see what can be done instead of what cannot be done.
Philip Campbell

I discuss many soft skills with my students; however, the one that I sometimes find the most challenging is, adopting a positive attitude. Individuals' attitudes developed at a young age, and attempting to change that perspective in such a short amount of time, can be a bit difficult. Although it is the most difficult to teach, I also feel it is one of the most important. Attitude is everything, especially in the workplace.

The most difficult soft skill to teach my students is keeping their personal lives personal and their business lives business. I try to explain to them to be like a duck and let things roll off your back. When you leave home to go to work, let home issues roll off your back and stay there. When you leave work to go home, let work issues roll off your back and stay there. If you are able to keep these separated, it will make your life easier.

I also give them the example that they wouldn't want me to stand in front of them and tell them all about my personal life when I am supposed to be teaching them a subject. So, they shouldn't do it to their co-workers/employees or customers.

Attention to detail is probably the most common problem I see. In my Professional Development course, a common problem is a tendency to rush though the preparation and writing of resumes. I stress in resume writing that the most common mistake is accentuating what is not relevant and bypassing what is most important. Students are encouraged to spend time thinking of those skills employers may want, write them down on paper, go into as much detail as possible in regard to those skills, and then begin to think how that information can be summarized in a way that would appeal most to a future employer. Such planning may better ensure that the student may be successfully hired - and is a way of showing how attention to detail in reporting pays off.

How to show interest or interest in a subject that they would prefer not to learn (Economics in a Design School)?

In my opinion the most difficult soft skill is to try to get the students to use empathy in their daily lives. Especially in the medical field it is very important to get the student to interact with the patient and understand what they are going through on an individual basis

Yes, very hard to train someone to do be able to do that. Usually this is something they have or do not have. But if we model it they may be more likely to adopt.
Philip Campbell

Just yesterday, I was discussing with several other chef instructors about how to use the rubric to critique students, and then give the grade. We had all noticed that several instuctors simply put what is wrong with the product and the amount of points deducted for each part. That steers the discussion in a negative manner. The instructor's comments are extremely important to help each student improve their skills. Generally, human nature dictates shutting down when we are only negative comments are the basis of the discussion. It is very important to include the postive aspects of each product, and each part of the product, as well as the negative with the suggestion of how to improve the student's production of the product.
A bit long winded... Basically, start with the positive and then discuss what is needed, and how, to improve.


That is hard for some to do. But once you have it figured out, it is a powerful tool.
Philip Campbell

I find it most difficult to teach workplace behaviors. Students expect to be able to act in a professional setting the same way that they behave in social settings. Establishing appropriate professional workplace behaviors in the classroom is extremely difficult, especially with students who have no work experience. I find that giving constant daily examples of what is considered inappropriate vs. appropriate workplace behavior can be very effective. Role playing on these skills is also very helpful because itl allows interaction and immediate feedback.

I find that some students have a sense of entitlement. I find it difficult to teach them that we are here to provide good customer service.

In my opinion it seems that conflict resolution, or how to get along with others is the hardest skill to teach students. It seems to me that students tend to look for conflict instead of resolutions.

Managing their emotions. It's so easy to let your feelings towards another influence you to preform poorly. I'm angry at the instructor so I turn my paper in late. Teaching someone to always do their best even when they are upset is an important workplsce skill.

I typically encounter students in the culinary classes who are challenged academically. They sometimes lack confidence in their soft skills due to the troubles they've had with technical skills. I try to instill the value of readiness and attitude. If they are willing to be good listeners, the skills will come.

managing emotions. We are in a hands-on, tactile environment at our school, and sometimes emotions are acted upon quickly before time is taken to consider consequences.

Ambition can't be taught. You have to want it to be truly motivated to go get it. You can succeed without ambition but you likely won't be happy with your success. Doing what you love and loving what you do, starts off by deciding what your ambitious about. That can't be taught it is only felt by he/she who has it.

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