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Class Participation

It alwys better to have the students actively engaged in the learnng process. When I learned calculus back in the day, we were at the blackboard most of the time working problems. It worked great!

Hi William,
I too was in the era when students stayed at the blackboard in a math class. Students learn better by doing.

I also believe the more visual learners learn by seeing. When students have to participate they actually well hopefully think before they speak or do.

Hi Shirley,
Studies have proven that most learners need to see it in order to get it. Seeing is believing.

I feel the same. Visual learners need to know the why's and what's in many situations in order to accomodate the brain to grasp what they just learned. Many times if you tell students the expected outsomes they can visually understand the concept.

Hi Diane,
Most of our students are visual learners. When they can actually see what is beig taught, they grasp the material better.
Patricia Scales

Yes I agree... I've always been a hands on learner, therefore I thinnk class participation is GREAT for the students who do learn better hands on.

Hi Kim,
Students really tend to retain information better whenever hands-on learning is involved.

Patricia Scales

I agree as well. The act of getting up out of your seat and walking to the front of the class is often times enough to get a student involved in the process and participating.

Hi Mark,
When the instructor has a high energy level and is very mobile, the students tend to participate more.

Patricia Scales

What about lecture, how do you engage the students more rather than lecturing and then asking if they have any questions?

Hi Traci,
Use a variety of teaching methods, such as role playing, case studies, simulations, hands-on activities, group project, etc.

Patricia Scales

Class participation is so disscussion... question/answer sessions.

I am in total aggreement with visual learning. Lecturing is great but students respond better to instructors engaging them and working the class room persay; moving around the class appose to sitting in one place. Hands on is always a motivationg approach.

Hi Jamie,
Students love it when the instructor is energetic! The instructor sets the tone for the room. Nothing bothers me more than to see an instructor sitting down teaching/lecturing...unreal!!!

Patricia Scales

I agree with the idea that students learn better by doing. In the lab setting, while discussing the anesthesia machine, I reverse the role and have the students teach me how different components/processes work. It forces them to know the material.

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