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Hi Mark,
I would even emphasize how you want everyone to get involved.

Hi Keith,
It is always good when you can talk about your own experiences to get buy ins from students.

I greet every student as they "walk in the door". In the online format I try to greet students within 24 hours of posting. I like to add a personalized comment regarding their bio and I like to address any concerns or questions they have right away.

Hi Lisa,
Wow, you sure know how to get your students to buy in! I can tell you win your students over. I like the comments you've made.

Hello everyone, I relate what they are going to learn in the course to the working world. I not only highlight the subject matter but also talk about how important it is to work efficiently. In our industry "time is money"

I think if you show excitement, passion and knowledge of what you teach, the students respond in a positive way, this shows the students that you care for the industry that they want to make a commitment to and that you care about them so they can have the best information to help them reach their goals.

Hi James,
Caring is a good way to get students to buy in. In addition to what you've mentioned enthusiasm, passion, knowledge, etc.

Hi Philippe,
Students appreciate being taught practical concepts. They want to know how information is going to help them in the work palce.

I let my own excitement show about the courses objectives

Most of my students are eager to learn. I caution them to pay attention and not to try and fit this material into what they already know-because it is totally different concepts they have to understand. Keeping the class engaged in a discussion about the subject, constantly asking questions, and "what if" senarios instead of long drawn out lectures. Showing enthusiasm and passion shows you really care about the subject, and is contagious!

Hi David,
Energy and excitement are contagious. If you have it, the students just may catch it.

Hi Talyon,
Students will typically jump on the band wagon when you are excited.

I like to with an introduction to the course and all relevant data accompanied by a personal data sheet asking the students for career/goal oriented questions. In having the students answer questions regarding their "dreams" I can tie those goals into the course content so that they see the value in the material as it applies to them. I find that personalizing the material enhances the interest level hence the buy in. "What's in it for me," is my tactic.

Hi Jacqueline,
How creative! Anything that is personalized is a big seller. People love to be paid attention to.

I find it helps to get the student excited about the class through the labs that they are going to work on and relate the lab information to the class material.That way the class is about the hands on labs,and the class info. gives them the material to be able to do the labs.

Hi Michael,
Hands-on activities normally act as a great buy-in. Students tend to enjoy hands-on activities.

The instructor is the leader in the classroom. It is the leader’s responsibility to create an environment where learning happens. This includes “selling” the course and making it more interesting. There are several ways the instructor can make this happen – including allowing the students participate in the course, talk about their own experiences etc.

Hi Augustine,
The instructor has to be in full control. The classroom should be an environment that is conducive to learning. Students should want to come to your class.

Hi, Patricia:

In my experience the way to create course buy in is simple. The instructor must show the students what is in it for them. If I can in lecture, or by examples in the news show them how the information they are learning in the course will apply to their chosen career, or even better, their life right now; the students will buy in to the course and become fully engaged.

In my Enlgih Composition courses, I have my students write and read about food and industry related issues. I also endeavor to constantly make the connection between imporving professional communication (whether verbal or written) and improving composition.

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