James Vicich

James VicichCHEP

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Playing movies and DVDs do help in information content thru visuals,audable,and demostration for practicle use.All this is fine,as long as you do not let the movies teach the class.Students still need our knowledge and information for the understanding of the subject.
Sometimes it gets to be difficult to keep focused on the students.Teaching in a vocational school,we have short time periods for our courses,a lot of information must be given in the time alotted,so sometimes you get caught up in the job instead of the purpose for being there.and that is the education of the student.The REFOCUS for recharging and getting your head straight does help,but also do not forget about your self,sometimes just taking a day to relax and re-energize your self,gives you a better mind set and out look towards your class.
Discussion Comment
showing videos as part of your course content is fine,as long as the legnth of the video is kept short,and you do not use the videos to teach the class.

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