Lisa Reason

Lisa Reason

About me


The modules were informative and well organized. Reading through peer reflections on course topics was interesting as well. 


Students whose primary language is not English provide a unique challenge to the English Composition instructor. It is often assumed that essays will be graded on grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary. However, especially in the case of the ELL learner, we must instead grade based on content. This can often be a difficult adjustment, but I believe we should do it for all learners, not just those with a language barrier. It is not important that they use the most sophisticated language, but rather that they are able to communicate their ideas to their audience effectively. Rather than focusing on grammar… >>>

Discussion Comment

Recognizing the various learning styles is perhaps the most important aspect of becoming a successful instructor. This module mentions asking our students what their personal learning style is at the beginning of the course. However, I find that many students are not aware of their preferred learning style and need help discovering which method they prefer. While it would be helpful to ask at the beginning of a course, I think it would be beneficial to revisit the question, asking students after you have tried various presentation methods which kinds were most helpful or effective for them. This will improve… >>>

I really liked how this module discussed reflecting on our past as we establish our own personal teaching style. Something I never realized is how much my past instructors have influenced the way I teach. My favorite instructors were those who not only had a passion for their subject, but also showed respect for the students who wished to learn about the subject matter, too. They were passionate in the classroom and enthusiastic about passing on their knowledge to their students. I realize now that I try to emulate the teaching styles that were most effective for me as a… >>>

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