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To get my students excited about my course, I like to tell them how long I have been in dentistry. You should see the looks on their faces when I say 25+ years. I tell them that I will teach them all that I know of how to be the best Dental Assistant ever. I use discussions, video and show completed projects from former students.

I like to use videos from YouTube. After watching one video there usually is a screen that pops up with other videos we might me interested in and at times we will watch some of those.

Wow, what great experience! Your students are fortunate to be able to learn from you! Experience is truly the best teacher!! I am sure you have great stories to generate excitement from your students.

Patricia Scales

To get my student excited about course content I like to start the class with some kind of attention getter. I like to use something physical that I can pass around the classroom. Sometimes I like to get the students up out of their seats and just stretch so they can wake up a little. I tell students that they will be on their feet most of the day and it is good to get up and move around a little bit. While stretching, I will give the class the objectives of that day's lesson.

I often have local cosmetologist come speak to class and do demonstrations . I do a lot of hands on activity and game like reviews for testing.

I am a new instructor yet to teach my first course. However, I'm hoping that bringing real-life examples to the course will help students become excited/motivated. Adults need to know why they are being taught to learn information.

I tend to use a lot of pop culture references that address specific topics. I like to match one assigned topic/assignment with one outside reference. I am also fortunate that the two classes I teach, English Composition and Intro To Communication, tend to intersect a lot. For example, students learn about 'doublespeak' and the use of euphemisms. 'Euphemism' is a great example of something they are highly aware of without knowing the term. The way in which people in society employ euphemisms can be humorous and has been fodder for stand-up comedy. George Carlin gives an excellent monologue about euphemistic language and how it hides or softens the truth. Humor goes a long way. Recognizable entertainment figures always gets their attention. I remain as tapped into both as I can.

I have found that using games of Jeopardy for reviews really engages the students. To help break the ice and introduce new students, I mix the students into teams by counting off of one, two, one...
After a few moments, most of the students really start to have fun and their sense of competition starts to come out. They usually find themselves having a lot of fun while learning at the same time.

A method I use to get students excited about the course/subject I am about ready to teach is to show them pictures or a video of what is happening now in the industry with that particular subject. I then ensure the students that by the end of the course, they will have an understanding of the subject and will be able to complete that task; and with practice will become proficient.

Hi Darlene,
I concur! When adult learners know how they are going to benefit from the course, most of them become really excited. Students love hearing real-life examples as they apply to course content.

Patricia Scales

Hi Tammy,
Great way to review! Students love playing games to learn. Students retain more information when they are having fun while learning.

Patricia Scales

Hi Thomas,
Love the visual aid to get students excited about the course. Seeing is believing! Visuals really add to a course.

Patricia Scales

I like how you allow the students to have some down time, but at the same time you are still teacing.

Patricia Scales

I use humor while I am going over my syllabus. I also use icebreakers to ease the tension of a new class. The icebreakers also help me to get to know my students.

Hi Suzanne,
Laughter is surely a way to put students at ease.

Patricia Scales

On the first day of class, after we have settled in and gone through some introductories and "broke the ice", I like to discuss opportunities in this field available after the students graduate to give the ma sens of all the opportunities that will be available to them. I show them completed projects done by past students who are now "in the real world" as well as photographs of completed construction projects that I and and past students have worked on. It serves to excite the new students by showing them real world applications of the work they will be doing.

I tell the students why I like it by giving examples of what I have done. Then have a question and answer session.

Hi D,
Students like it when we give examples that pertain to the lesson.

Patricia Scales

I give them examples from my past experience as a chef/oner that relate to what we are going to cover that day in class. I let them know that I was able to solve a problem at work with knowledge of the subject at hand.

Hi Jeffrey,
Students really do get excited and when they learn about what they will be doing in their career.

Patricia Scales

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