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I like the airplane icebreaker

Hi Richard,
Students form reletionships from icebreakers. Students really tend to enjoy icebreakers.

Patricia Scales

I agree. Student can excite and motivate each other.

Hi Priscilla,
Sure! Excitement needs to start with the instructor.

Patricia Scales

One of the ways I try to make the course fun is by using metaphors to make my students understand.

Hi Royace,
Students tend to understand better through the use of metaphors.

Patricia Scales

I talk about the projects we will be working on and how they will benefit their portfolio.

I introduce myself and have everyone else introduce themselves as well as include something that interests them.

Hi Kimberly,
Most students really do look forward to what's coming next. I have found that most projects really are beneficial, and they help students grades if students put forth effort.

Patricia Scales

Good Evening….Adult learners are often excited about their chosen career and would like to see almost immediate results. I believe in presenting hands on activities as soon as day one. Now they have an actual application that reflects this career and also what to expect during the course… it always lifts them up and you can see the sparkle in their eyes…excitement, a true light bulb moment.

I have found many ways to get my students excited about my course, which is College English. Perhaps the most important way I get their attention is to show them the relevancy of my content to their bottom line--we talk about how using appropriate grammar, spelling, and mechanics in their resume, cover letter, business proposals, emails, and so on can have a definite impact on their getting a job, funding for their business, etc. I also show them images from Cake Wrecks, a website that features cakes that have been decorated with incorrect spelling, phrases, and so on. I also engage my students by having them read and respond to articles that discuss topics of interest to them as culinary students.

I tell real life stories in my field and some of them are funny. They make the students laugh and have fun and also help them see that everyone has a human side and you have to learn to adapt to every situation you encounter.


I posted the following regarding "showing students the Relevancy of the course". It appears at the bottom of the thread.

Before becoming an adjunct accounting instructor, I spent twenty-six years an executive with a multinational financial services institution. When I develop my lesson plans, I make certain to illustrate each topic with at least one real-life example with which I have direct experience. I then invite students to ask questions about the example. (If they are reluctant to ask questions, I typically ask their opinions regarding what course of action they recommend and what results they expect from it.) I find that this tends to ground the topic and make students aware of the practical aspects of the course.

I'd appreciate your thoughts.

Peter McAllister

Hi Donna,
Students really do enjoy hands-on activities. Hands-on activities give students something to look forward to instead of the same old lecture type teaching method.

Patricia Scales

Hi Harold,
Our students need to see that yes we are human and we have fun, but we know when to turn things off. We are regarded as professionals in our students eyes.

Patricia Scales

Hi Jacci,
Awesome way to get students to buy into the course as well. English is extremely important both personally and professionally.

Patricia Scales

Hi Peter,
Great idea to get students to understand the relevance of the course. Students really buy into the course when they understand the benefit of the course.

Patricia Scales

As an Electrical Instructor I like to give the students a preview of what is going to be discussed the next day. I bring in the classroom some of the pieces of material that we will be using to complete their lab and ask them to come up with uses for the next day. I found that all the students seem more excited to know what is going to be done in class.

Hi William,
I like how you spark your students' curiosity to entice them to want to come back the next day.

Patricia Scales

In the past I began to introduce new games to play to review for tests and final exams, such as Bingo or Jeopardy. The students become excited to interpret fun into their learning, and strive to study the material more so they can win!

I always do ice breakers. I think it is important for students to introduce themselves and also introduce themselves to two people in the class personally. Students get excited when you give them visuals of the course and the tools and instruments they will be using.

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